Monday, September 2, 2013

Justice Triumphs Over Heterosexual Hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Girls, I missed the premiere of Tamron Hall's new show, "Deadline Crime," though I did get to see Paula Zahn, who is still sprucing up pretty good.  While in black, which is not a bad color for her, she enhanced it with a lovely amulet around her neck, and a nice hair job!!!!!!!!!!!!  Way to go, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!   While her case was tragic, it unfortunately turned out to be all too routine, and the profilers completely missed their mark, as the killer did not fit their composite at all!   When you need some real profiling done, darlings, call me!

                                               However, I caught enough of Tamron's show to see that, next week, she is going to examine a case that presses all my buttons--the slaying of gay college student Jesse Valencia on May 23, 2005.  His body was not found till June 5, and , when the whole thing came out, it speaks of American hypocrisy toward homosexuality.

                                                Jesse, a likable and attractive college junior, at the University of Missouri at Columbia, had gotten into a romantic relationship with a 28-year-old police officer, Steven Rios, when the officer hauled him over for a speeding ticket.  Now, I do not know how things kicked off, but I do know this--what young , gay man does not, at some time, entertain the "hot cop" fantasy?  It almost goes with being gay, just like Barbra Streisand!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Jesse, at 23, was living out a dream, and quite happy.

                                                But Rios had a dirty little secret.  He was married!  He did not tell Jesse--hey, this happens to straight women, too!!!!!--so, when Jesse found out, he was stung by the hypocrisy, and talked about exposing Rios, who could just not have his perfect suburban hypocrisy exposed, so he solved it by killing Jesse, a sweet kid, and landed himself a Life prison term, when a Missouri jury found him guilty!!!!!!!!!

                                               Hey, Rios, and scum like you, if you are trolling for gay youth, what the hell business have you got being married?????????  I hope Rios' wife dumped him, but I bet she did not!  When he was sentenced, the two cried out to each other, like Romeo and Juliet!  Give me a break!

                                                 If you're gay, you are GAY!  Get over it, Rios!!!!!!!!!!!!  By now, I bet some of your inmate buddies have helped you get in touch with your orientation, and, hopefully, beaten the crap out of you, for killing an innocent kid!  A police officer, indeed!  Fortune And Men's Eyes!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   I cannot wait to see how Tamron treats this.  I cannot believe the defense attorney asked the jury for compassion for Rios!  Well, he is just  doing his job, but how about compassion for Jesse and his family, and friends????????  I am glad a jury in Missouri had the guts to convict him!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Maybe the Tyler Clementi case should have been tried, there!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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