Monday, September 2, 2013

"Gingerrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gingerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

                                       No, darlings, that line is NOT heard in Woody Allen's "Blue Jasmine," which I just loved!  I did not intend this to be some kind of Tennessee Williams Day, but it is interesting he turned up consecutively in two posts!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         First, let's get this 'Streetcar' stuff out of the way.  Anyone who knows that play or movie will see the connections, but Jasmine, as played brilliantly by the stunning Cate Blanchett is as much Ruth Medoff as she is Blanche Du Bois!

                                           I was struck by a line Sally Hawkins says, early on, that is never really explored.  When one of her disgusting, working class kids, whom you can tell will turn out no better than their father, and are SO dumb, ask about the sisters' differences, Ginger (that's Sally Hawkins) says that they were adopted, and their parents liked Jasmine better.  Now, THERE is a story, right there!

                                            The movie wants to portray Jasmine as a tragic figure, but, honeys, when you look as good as Cate, with a wardrobe to match, not to mention a Hermes bag, you are not heading down the path of Fantine!  The ending is wide open to interpretation, but I maintain that Jasmine will reinvent herself, and start her own clothing line!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She is much too sophisticated for the people she ends up hanging around with; she knows it, and they know it, and so she will survive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Some of these people reminded me of some of my Neanderthal relatives!  Who have as low opinion of me, as the folks here do of Jasmine!  But, then, they are the ones who would call themselves God fearing Christians, while those like Jasmine and myself are hedons!  Screw that!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, I am with Jasmine all the way!  But Alec Baldwin does his usual great turn
as a charming sleazebag; a role that fits him like a glove.  Andrew Dice Clay and Bobby Carnivale score as two low class, but street wise, lunkheads!  And Sally Hawkins matches the great Cate for dramatic magnificence!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             You have to see it, girls!  The Hamptons House, Tammy Blanchard...oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Of course Jasmine does not belong among these lunkheads!  She has  her own life to live, and she will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              As Blanche told Stella, "Don't hang back with the brutes!"  You can bet Jasmine won't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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