Monday, September 2, 2013

"Then, Go! Go To The Moon, You Selfish Dreamer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Who could forget those final words, Amanda Wingfield hurls at her son, Tom, who flees an existence he cannot tolerate, while leaving his damaged sister Laura, at the mercy of their mother???????  It is the climax of Tennessee Williams' first play, "The Glass Menagerie," and it is followed by Tom's concluding speech.  Whenever I have seen this, each time he gets to, "Blow out the candles, Laura," I lose it, and the tears come!

                                    What people like Amanda don't stop to realize is the selfish dreamer they are referring to is themselves.  Amanda wanted her children to be status quo for their time, when they were not any more capable of it, than she!!!!!!!!!!!!  But do you think she realizes it?  Of course not; that;s why there is "The Glass Menagerie."

                                       Which is a play I have lived with, ever since I discovered theater!  Now, it is coming to Broadway again, and I am forced to ask myself--do I really want to sit through another production???????? I know how Tom felt, because so many teachers and relations thought, and some still do, that I am, or was, nothing more than a selfish dreamer!  Well, screw you, all!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But do I want to see it again?  I am sure Cherry will nail Amanda, though the idea that she is old enough now for that role is kind of hard to wrap my head around!!!!!!!!!  And I do not agree with the casting of Celia, as Laura!  You have heard me on that one, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, I had made up my mind NOT to see this!  But two dreams of late are making me reconsider.  The first one, two nights ago, had Monsieur and I standing in front of the theater, where it is playing--the Booth Theatre--and talking about getting tickets to it.

                                            The second dream, last night, involved me auditioning for a production of it, where I wanted to read for Laura. In my dream, snarling, growling, and yelling, appeared Insanity Wolf, telling me all the reasons I could not do this!  I did not expect to be cast in the role; I just wanted to read for it!

                                              Also, last night, I dreamed  about a production of 'Merrily' that was being done by our staff at work!  It was directed by Grotesque Creatures, who would not even allow me to audition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So, you know what I did?  I waited till the show went up, sneaked back stage, and watched from the wings!  When it came time for each musical number, I simply walked out on stage, and inserted myself into each song.  The audience went wild, and Grotesque Creatures blew a gasket because I triumphed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Wonder what my therapist would make of all this?  I can tell you!  These two are manifestations of two coworkers I have serious issues with, and this is all a manifestation of my deep resentment for them, and that, in my book, nothing is done about them!  So, watch out, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Too bad Tennessee Williams did not appear in the dream!  Not only would he have let me read for Laura, I bet he would have cast me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    At least, I am not a midget, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I have gotten tickets to this. I thought I was sick of Glass Menagerie, but I know people who saw this in Cambridge and told me that as many times as I have seen this play I HAVE to see this production;it's apparently magnificent.


  2. You know, I trust your judgement!
    So, now I may actually go and do the same! If I see it, you will get a full report, on here!
