Monday, September 16, 2013

Let's Roast Two Pigs, Darlings--J.D. Salinger, And David Edelstein!!!!!!!!!!

                              You have to hand it to Joyce Maynard, girls!  At the end of her piece, "Was Salinger Too Pure For This World?," (the title is a joke, because, if it was one thing Salinger was NOT, it was pure! I mean, look at that picture! What a smug, arrogant prick!!!!!!!!!) she reminds us, "There is art. There is the artist. Don't confuse the two."

                                 Right you are, Joyce.  Salinger's art, evident in his writing, remains some of the best written prose of the last century. I have moved on to where I considered him the voice of truth, to where I simply admire his literary genius. But that does not mean I admire anything else about him.

                                  From the looks of things, Salinger was not any different than your average, male heterosexist corporate honcho, working on Madison and Fifth, who arrive at the office, have their secretary make and serve them coffee, and then further humiliate them by making said secretary give them a blow job!!!!!!!!  The difference is, with Salinger, he lured the women to his place, unlike the NYC work situation, where both parties meet at mutually agreed places.

                                  Just like David Edelstein, who, from the attitude he projects, does exactly the same thing!  And, as Joyce points out, he is a father of daughters, so what a hypocrite!  His attitude toward Salinger is rather defensive.  "He liked pretty young girls.  Stop the presses."  So, liking underage girls and having delusional relations, or even attempted relations, is OK with Edelstein?????  I guess  so!  Let's see what happens if one of his daughters gets knocked up?  And how many have you knocked, up, David??????

                                   Both are pigs, but Salinger is the lesser of the two pigs, because his artistry is exquisite.  Edelstein has some facility as a film critic, but, sweeties, I don't take his, or anyone else's, opinions seriously, when, as you know on here, it is MINE that counts!  I don't even read David Edelstein; I don't know enough about him to know what he thinks of what particular films!  And I don't care.

                                     I do care that he is a sexist pig, who feels it is man's God given right to purge his loins anywhere he pleases, regardless of the consequences. Salinger certainly did; that's why he hid out, so he could get away with this. Had he been less covert, he would have been arrested and shown to be the immoralist he was.

                                     Salinger has had his moments, so let him rest. He was bad enough. But when pigs like Edelstein come along in defense of such crass behavior, it is time to let loose, and I make no apologies for it, at all!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      While Salinger was alive, he should have been kicked in the teeth.  But Edelstein is, and I wish him the same!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Cheers, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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