Sunday, September 29, 2013

OK, Dolls, Show Me What You Can Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                " This is it", guys, as the theme song for "The Bugs Bunny Show" once went!!!!!!!!!
So, Cherry, Celia, Zachary and Brian, after almost a week of settling in, the Raving Queen is on his way to see "The Glass Menagerie" this afternoon.  I have heard nary a discouraging word, so I expect nothing less than Lazarus rising from the grave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   And, I am psychologically prepared for Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And, of course, my girls, you will be given an on the aisle report, as soon as I am able.  Too bad I did not hire a videeographer to follow Monsieur and I into the city, to the theater, before and aft, to record the experience on the spot!  Oh, well, maybe next time!

                                  Today is "Glass Menagerie" Day, and excitement is high and rampant!  "Rise and Shine!," as Amanda would say!

                                    And break a leg, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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