Sunday, September 29, 2013

Oh, Girls, I Am Telling You--Those Keenan-Bolgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Aren't they just the cutest things, darlings???????????  Last year we trouped into the city to see Andrew, in all his cuteness, play Crutchie  in "Newsies" (which he is still doing, girls, so, if you want to swoon over Andrew, you still can!!!!!!!!!), and today, we are traveling into Manhattan to see Celia do Laura in "The Glass Menagerie," where I expect no less than to have my heart torn out!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And then there is Maggie, the equally enchanting, but least lauded of this theatrical dynasty--and maybe that is her own choice!  Her political activism, especially for the LGBT community, does it for me, and I am sure her siblings are equally receptive!  I have no doubt.

                                   But what I--and my girls--want to know is--Are they somehow related to Ray Bolger, of "The Wizard Of Oz?"  And what about the hyphenated family name?????  I have never seen that before.  And Celia is married, so with an already hyphenated name, how in the world does she sign legal documents?????????

                                   There are all matters up for discussion--just like how Celia preps for Laura!  And whether or not Andrew is available on the market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, the Raving Queen, provided we can all coordinate our demanding schedules, darlings, would like to invite the Keenan-Bolgers to tea at the St. Regis, (I mean, where else does one go for tea, girls???????) to discuss these matters my girls are just aching to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Hey, Andrew, here is a brilliant idea--with both you and Celia working on Broadway simultaneously, in two lauded shows, how a bout a video mockumentary, along the lines of Christopher Durang's "The Actor's Nightmare," where you each show up at the other's theater, for the other's show???????  Celia, you show up at "Newsies," and go on as Crutchie!!!!!  Andrew, ditto 'Memagerie' and Laura!!!!!!!!!  And, of course, being actors, you already know the roles and blocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Now, that would be a real sibling feat!  Even the Barrymores never accomplished that!!!!!!!!!!  Meanwhile, scrub those white gloves clean for tea, and Celia, the Queen will see you this afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I am telling you, those Keenan-Bolgers are the cutest!!!!!  Not enough of them for a road company of "Sound Of Music," but I
would love to see them do the "Triplets" number, from "The Band Wagon!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          A triple threat, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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