Monday, September 30, 2013

What A Theatrical Day, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            It began, like all theater days, with a trip into Manhattan, by subway.  As soon as we got in, we habitually checked out the TKTS booth--and you better believe "The Glass Menagerie" was not up there, because this, darlings, is the hottest ticket of the Fall Season, and if anyone near us even suspected we had two on us, we would have been stoned, like Mrs. Hutchinson in "The Lottery," just so folks could get at them.

                            So, that secret was kept, literally, close to the vest, as we made our way to the Polish Tea Room, otherwise known as the Edison Hotel Coffee Shop, which is a noted, and inexpensive, gathering for pre-theatergoers.  It may not look like much, but its cuisine, simple though it be, can always be counted on!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Then, we made our way to the Booth Theatre, where "The Glass Menagerie" is playing, to see the throngs who had come to worship at the Temple Of Cherry And Celia!!!!!!!!!!  My excitement was palpable over the prospect of seeing this much lauded production, but, would you believe, darlings, I was the only one who got down on my knees, and acknowledged the site???????  And, except for two Ancient Queens, who went running up to Zachary Quinto, as he approached the stage door, with posters and other items, no one seemed to pay homage!  Zachary, perhaps wisely, brusquely brushed these two off; he knew they wanted more than an autograph!!!!!!!!!!!!  And right before a show!!!!!!!!!!   Someone needed to tell these two this is NOT de rigeur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Before I could, however, they mysteriously disappeared.

                            But, girls, I want you to know, we saw Cherry outside the stage door, chatting it up with someone; we saw Celia go in, and we even saw Brian enter, then come back out, huddle up against Junior's, the restaurant adjacent to the Booth, in Shubert Alley, and smoke a cigarette!   Bad for the voice, Brian, especially, if you are an actor!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe they were non-filtered or those cigarettes--what are they called???--used in stage productions.

                           And what an audience!!!!!!!!!  When the Raving Queen goes to the theater, there is just no stinting.  A noted blogger, an Oscar winning actress, and a dentist, were all in attendance.  The blogger, of course, darlings, was moi, the actress was the great Frances McDormand, and the dentist was my own, which was an omen,  of sorts, since I, trembling, am going to him on Tuesday.  I just do not like going to the dentist.  I like him, well enough, I just don't like going through what I have to!  Pray for me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            So, it was quite a day!  And before the curtain even went up!!!!!!!!!!!

                            See you at Entr'acte, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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