Thursday, September 19, 2013

Two Pieces Of Work For The Price Of One--Damon Kerrigan And Maya Sills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Girls, I am telling you, have you ever seen the "Law And Order, Criminal Intent" episode, entitled "Love Sick?"  You should, though you might be put off by the main cast, which consists of Jeff Goldblum, Saffron Burrows and Mary Elizabeth Mastrontonio.  Far cry from Vincent D'Onofrio, Katherine Eames and Jamey Sheridan.  Or even Eric Bogosian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   This episode features a number of important and mentionable items. Chief among them is guest actress Caroline Dhaveras, who portrays Maya Sills, described by Saffron as "a real monster," and let me tell you, dolls, she is!  But so is her hot, firefighter boyfriend, played by hot looking, decked out in firefighter regalia, Dash Mihok.  And when I saw Michael Gladis, (who played in the episode "Branded" a redux of  'Dragon Tattoo,' where a group of men had gang raped and impregnated an impoverished girl at a summer camp, when all were teens, on whom, decades later, she takes vengeance, with Gladis being one of those men!!!!!!)  in the role of Randall Ames, having recognized him from the aforementioned, and seeing how he was regarded at his job, and by women in general, I was dead sure he was the perp.

                                     But I was wrong, because this episode has something special in mind.  It illustrates the common criminal theory that when a serial killer turns out to be female, she usually works as a pair.
Consider Jenny Brandt in "Killerz"--remember Tara Padden?   Here, we have Maya Sills, working in tandem with Damon Kerrigan!!!!!!!  But who is the real engine driving all this, huh????????

                                     Things start with an argument outside a club; one girl, Rachel, goes off with another couple.  Later, she is found, dressed as a high priced hooker, strangled and stabbed on 57th Street and Sutton Place, one of the highest price spots in Manhattan!!!!!!!!!!  Believe me, I know, darlings!!!!!!!!  I have been around there, once in a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Then another victim, Isabel, turns up, in a ritzy location, in a similar fashion!!!!!!  Is there a serial killer, with prostitute issues, on the loose?  I wouldn't be too surprised!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           All roads seem to keep leading back to the East Side Community Hospital, where the suspicious Randall Ames works.  But so does nursing aide Maya Sills, whom Ames dated, for a time, but  breaks with her, calling her "a head job."  Maya has now taken up with firefighter Damon Kerrigan, who is as hot as they come, I am telling you, and is from one of these working class Irish, multigenerational, NYFD families.  He is made excuses for, and covered over, by his Uncle Joe, (Tom Kemp) whose behavior, at one point, had me thinking he was involved.

                                            It turns out Damon and Maya have a sizzling sexual relationship, laced with S and M.  She is a borderline personality disorder case, with abandonment issues, and he is a sexual sadist, who feels all women are whores and dirty!  Meaning they are just perfect for each other.  A modern day
variation on Ian Brady and Myra Hindley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             More is learned about Maya, though not enough. Raised in Queens, their mother abandoned she and her father--a working class construction worker, who likes to hunt--but we don't
know why!!!!!!!!!!!  Was it Daddy's penchant for prostitutes?????????  Did Mommy recognize Maya's killer potential, and wanted to get away fast?  Can't blame her.  Did Mommy want to turn tricks?  Who knows??????  Did Daddy abuse her?   It is anyone's guess?

                                              What is known is, once Mommy vanished, and it was just he and Maya, she became Daddy's Little Huntress.  He taught her how to hunt, (she got her archery licence at 10; can you imagine?????????) as well as how to vivisect a deer. He also passed on a bizarre tradition--as the animal lays dying, he, then Maya, goes up to it, sadistically, and whispers into the poor creature's ear, "Now, you know who killed you!!!!!!!!!"  I mean, how sick is this???????????????

                                                Damon's story is more elusive. He is a sexual sadist, and considers all women to be whores, but it is never learned why.  The only family member seen is Uncle Joe, and he looks like a real piece of trash, but not bright enough to be psycho or sociopathic!!!!!!!!!  Was Damon's mother a prostitute????????  Had she been??????  Did Daddy go to them, instead of her?  Did he beat his wife ? (There is a good chance this is true; after all, an abuser becomes such from being abused or witnessing it first hand.  Maybe Daddy wanted Damon to see Mommy being beat, maybe this is how he told him all women should be treated, and why!!!!!!!!!!  And maybe Mommy, like Maya's, up and disappeared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

                                                 As stated earlier,  Maya has borderline personality disorder.  Her father died of a heart attack, but she feels he abandoned her, because of his penchant for prostitutes, whom she says are "diseased."  So, in terms of disorders, she and Damon make a perfect pair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 But, let me tell you, with all her training and cunning, Maya is clearly the brains behind this operation.  She calls the shots; Damon is just the stud puppy, who kills for Maya, but the impression is he really does not want to kill anyone. He is purely content with his sadistic games.  Nice, huh?????????

                                                  The interrogation scene is a howler, with both coming unhinged, especially Maya, as it becomes clear to one and all how sick she truly is!  The episode ends with her chillingly speaking her signature line, "Now you know who killed you!"  By which time, I was glad it was over, because I knew I had had enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Now you know how sick this episode is, girls!!!!!!!!! And why you don't dare miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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