Thursday, September 19, 2013

"What Could Have Possessed Her? I Simply Cannot Understand The Wretch, At All!!!!!!!!!!"

                                Henry Higgins himself might well have used this lyric in relation to Jessica Carson, who is this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                  Jessica is some piece of work, from East Texas.  She supposedly graduated with Honors from high school , in 2007, but, you know something, I don't think she took Advanced Placement Anything.  And even if she took AP Stenography, what good did it do her??????? Sometime between her senior year and December 2008, her daughter, Amora  Bain Carson, was born!!!!!  Some guy knocked her up--tramp!!!!!!--and she had Amora. Who was a lovely, adorable, and loving baby, who deserved more than the fate she got.

                                   Alas, Jessica took up with Blaine Milam, 19, at the time, and the two of them engaged in an unholy alliance fueled by drugs, most specifically, meth!  This led to delusions of demonic possession; at one point, Jessica thought she was, then Blaine.  But when it came to baby Amora being
possessed, that is when  all Hell literally broke loose!!!!!!!!!!!!  To get rid of her demons, Blaine systematically beat the infant to death with a hammer, reducing her to a bloody pulp, while Jessica inflicted on her a series of venomous bites that, in her insanity, she thought would drive the demons from her.  This was in December of 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    You know something?  I don't believe either one of them a bit!  These two cared for their addictions, rather than Amora, and disposing of her was just a way to continue their squalid life!!!!!!
I do not buy into the documentary, "On Death Row," which tries to arouse sympathy for Blaine; when he says how he loved Amora, and she used to call him Daddy, I wanted to vomit, and then kick him in the teeth!!!!!!  As for Jessica, she got a lesser sentence; either Life, or decades in prison, but let me tell you, it is not enough; she should be on Death Row, every bit as much as Blaine.  And you have GOT to see the scene
where one of Blaine's cousins talks about the movie "The Exorcist!!!!!!!!!!"  She goes on to explain it was based on a true story (which it was!!!!!!!) but does not mention those specifics, insisting that all the weird things happening on the set were the work of the Devil, and that, in the film, the turning around of Linda Blair's head was real!!!!!!!!!! Come on; I haven't heard such rubbish since the first wave of viewers of "The Blair Witch Project," back in 1999, who thought it was a realistic documentary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    How stupid can one be????????  Or is it Texas, darlings?????????????  Whatever,
Jessica is one cold blooded bitch, who should never be released from her prison, because who is to say she will not destroy anyone else, child or adult???????????????????????????????????

                                     Killing your child to protect her from the Devil!!!!!!!!  That takes the cake of any bitch covered on this column yet!!!!!!!!!!!  Congrats, Jessica!  You're a real trend setter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Hope you never have any more children, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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