Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Fun Bitch Is Needed This Week, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                "She's like the spider, waiting for the kill!
                                                 Cruella, Cruella DeVille!!!!!!!!!"
                                                --Walt Disney's "101 Dalmatians" (1961)

                                      With Halloween just around the corner, darlings, a fun bitch was needed, this week, I felt!  I am telling you, by the time I reached childhood, my gaydar must have been securely in place.
Because, by the time I saw Disney's 1961 animated classic, "101 Dalmatians" (at the RKO State Theatre, in New Brunswick, I will have you know!!!!!!!) I had an idea something was up. Because, the most fascinating thing about that film, for me,  then and now, is its villainess, Cruella DeVille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       That fur coat and cigarette holder, that hairstyle, earrings, and acerbic sense of sophistication, made her an early role model, for me.  To think, she wanted to wear a fur coat, made out of
dead Dalmatian puppies!!!!!!!!!  I certainly did not endorse this, and I cheered for parents Pongo and Perdita all through the movie, but I just loved Cruella's sense of style and wit.  Anna Wntour may not have approved of her--and I am sure she would not endorse killing Dalmatian puppies, just staff members!!!!!!!--but I could not stop, in the days after seeing the film, walking about like her, trying to act out holding a cigarette holder, and singing the "Cruella DeVille" song, which, back then, I knew all the lyrics to.

                                        Of course, 1961 was a big year for cigarette holders.  That was also the year of Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in "Breakfast At Tiffany's."  Much more attractive than Cruella, I will have you know; maybe that is why I was drawn more to Cruella than Audrey then; Audrey was SO stunning, I could not aim so high.  But I could see myself exuding Cruella's vicious, elegant bitchery.  Which I do myself, as much as I can, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, recognizing the fun she brings, and in anticipation of Halloween, here is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award--Cruella DeVille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Girls, you know I would rather wear Prada, than Dalmatian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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