Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Setting My Traps, Pressing My Face, Darlings, Perhaps, A Change Of Pace!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  Oh, I've some intriguing little social items, darlings, you had better believe it.  Monsieur and I have "Mildred Fierce" on Saturday, then Dan and Norma on Sunday.  If that isn't enough, for you, girls, yours truly is taking in the new "Carrie" tomorrow, because I cannot wait to see that bitch, Chris Hargensen (who will always be a stand in for Lois Jackson, circa 1973) get herself telekinetically blown up, in a car!  What fun that will be, lambs!!!!!!!!!

                                    But I am talking about setting some more immediate traps. Traps geared to snap in the faces of those who take credit for others, and ignore the creative potential of others, like yours truly.  I am working on a secret project here, darlings, and,when it is revealed, all Hell is going to break lose!

                                      It can go several ways!   The best way would be for it to be accepted, and presented, and I accorded the adulation I feel is due, because too many others who don't always merit it, are getting it.

                                       It can blow up in my face, and get ignored, whereupon I will raise a stink--maybe one so big, acquiescence will be enforced!

                                        Or it will go through, and I will be forced to work with the very person I am setting this trap for!!!!!!!!  In which case, I will not work with said person, and either it will not get off the ground, at all, or it will not, with me conspicuously blaming the one responsible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         So, stay tuned, darlings!!!!!!!!!!! Carrie is not the only one cooking up things, at the prom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             "Every move, and every breath, and you hardly feel a thing......"
                               ---Stephen Sondheim, "Every Day A Little Death," "A Little Night
                                 Music," 1973

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