Friday, October 18, 2013

A Gay "Company????????????" Stevie, Baby, You Have GOT To Be Kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Even with what I call are his "retro-shows"--"Follies" and "Merrily We Roll Along"--and two of MY faves, as those reading here know, Stephen Sondheim was always moving forward.  So, when I  got the news he was refurbishing his landmark 1970 work, "Company," into a gay musical--with all male characters--I was, like, "Wha--------???????????"

                                    Ever since its April 26, 1970 opening, at the then Alvin (now Neil Simon) Theatre, those in the know (those Theater Queens, again!!!!!!!!!!) always had a wink-wink, nod-nod attitude, when it came to "Company."  Of course Bobby could not commit to a relationship, because there was always something getting in the way, which he was very ambivalent about--and that was his sexuality!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Maybe 1970 was too early a time (shades of Tennessee Williams' era!!!!!!!) to say this blatantly, but many, including yours truly, knew it was there.  And anyone who saw Neil Patrick Harris attempt to interpret Bobby, or Raul Esparza do it with greater effectiveness, saw the gayness beneath the heterosexual masquerade Bobby was presenting to his married friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, why re-do it, with an all male cast?  Don't gay men have female friends????
This one does!  And let me say right out--if Marta is going to be a man, then I want to play it, because I have wanted to sing "Another Hundred People" on stage, for over forty years!!!!!!!!!!  I am not saying I could even come close to Pamela Myers, (are you kidding??????) but if a man is going to do it, it ought to be yours truly!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I understand there is a good possibility Alan Cumming might do the Elaine Stritch role!  Oh, come on, Alan, with you still looking like the  desicated Nazi corpse that you looked like, in the 1998 "Cabaret," are you really suitable?????????  And, aren't you a bit old, dear??????  Shouldn't it be done by someone with elegance?  Perhaps, David Hyde Pierce, or Kelsey Grammer???????????  Now, that is NOT a bad idea!  Get those former Crane brothers in there!

                                       It is a better idea than reimagining this show!!!!!!  Is the score going to have to be rewritten????????  Will the classic songs be jettisoned?  Who will April become--August?????????  And what about Amy?  With men having both testosterone, and deeper vocal cadences, how are they going to be able to enunciate "Getting Married Today," with the pitch perfect accuracy it requires????  What will be used--a counter tenor, or a eunuch??????????????????

                                         Any of this makes as much sense, which means no sense!!!!!!!!!   Hey, Stevie, I have a better, and more creative, idea for you---

                                         Why not rewrite "Gypsy," from the viewpoint of Chowsie??????????  Now, THAT would be a show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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