Friday, October 18, 2013

That Cindy Musante Is No Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               As Joan Rivers herself might say, darlings, "What a tramp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Last night was the season premiere, on ID, of "True Crime,With Aphrodite Jones!!!!!!!!!!!"  I just love Aphrodite, girls--even more than Candace De Long!  She does not have the theatricality of Candace, and, while she may have gotten just a tad heavier over the season hiatus, she is as tough as nails.  I have always wondered if Dana Lewis, Marcia Gay Harden's character on "Law And Order SVU," was based on Aphrodite!

                               Anyway, last night she got to the bottom of a real trash sizzler, which had gone unsolved for decades, in Reeders, Pennsylvania.  It started with the tragic suicide of Joseph Musante, Cindy's husband, who goes to the church he and his wife were active in, gets into the pastor's office, sits behind said pastor's desk, with a gun, contemplating, and then takes out a gun and shoots himself in the head, blowing his brains out!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               As Aphrodite herself said, it was a strange place for someone to go and commit suicide.
As Joe's sister said, she was never sure it was suicide.  Neither was I.

                                I thought the preacher, A.B. Schirmer, a real holier-than-thou type, who, simultaneously, was as slick as anything oily; like someone out of Truman Capote's "Handcarved Coffins," walked in, and shot Joe himself!  He had been carrying on for a long time, with Joe's wife, Cindy, and both Joe and the Musantes' daughter, Samantha, then 16, were heartbroken about it.  Because Joe knew Cindy was planning to leave him!  The tramp!  Well, she should have been in for a rude awakening!

                                  But it did turn out to be suicide, after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Poor Pastor Schirmer!  Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.  When he took up with Cindy, he had, a time back, lost his second wife, Betty, in a tragic car accident.  An accident Betty's son was not so sure was accidental.  Neither was I, and neither was Aphrodite!  Us two gals should have lunch sometime!!!!!!!!!!  Meet me sometime at Cipriani's, on the East Side, Aphrodite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But, guess what, darlings???????  It gets better!!!!!!!!!!!  For it is discovered the pastor's first wife, Jewell, died mysteriously, in a fall down the cellar stairs.  Yeah...right....and both women just happened to have had the right side of their heads bashed in!!!!!!!!!  Uh huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I had to hand it to Samantha Musante.  She was almost as tough as Aphrodite!  She discovered, after her father's death, he left behind incriminating info about Cindy and the pastor!!!!!!  And, even after a confrontation with this scum couple, Samantha knew she wanted to write her mother off, turned the whole magilla in to the cops, and before you knew it, the good pastor was slapped into prison, with a Life Sentence!

                             And would you believe that stupid, trashy Cindy Musante, is pulling a Tammy Wynette, and, like the song says, standing by her man?????????  Is she that sex starved?  Or stupid?  Or both?  Did it ever occur to her, having done in two wives, once he, apparently, got tired of them, the same thing might not happen to her???? And what about Samantha??????  How about worrying about her welfare, during all this??????????

                            I say Cindy should go to prison, too!  Throw them both into the same cell, and let them fuck each other to death, until both die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After driving her husband to suicide, breaking his heart, and threatening her daughter, she deserves no less!

                            This preacher is like a modernized, real life version of the character Reverend Harry Powell, brilliantly played by Robert Mitchum, in the 1955 film classic, "The Night Of The Hunter."  Too good to be true, if you ask me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Which just goes to show, girls, if some one does not seem right, then, more than likely, they are not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Hi, Raving Queen!
    I have often come across your posts and enjoyed them - its like you take my thoughts and put them into words :)
    According to a Daily Mail article, Cindy is totally estranged from Samantha BUT very close to A B's two daughters from his first wife and even "Mimi" to there kids (his girls don't believe he killed there mom). If I thought that was heartbreaking, then I found Samantha's Twitter account ... she works with horses, and she has friends and she loves life! She also doesn't have a mom, and, she is disabled - with Lyme's Disease AND rheumatoid arthritis. And she's 22 years old.
    It just made me want to bitchslap Cindy even more.
    Keep up the good work, R. Q.!!!

  2. Thanks for your appreciative comments. They are appreciated!

  3. Candace DeLong cannot utter a word without bobbing her head: up-down, left-right, and sometimes in circles. She is a bobblehead. She is actually saying "Hey, you have to believe what I'm saying cause I'm bobbing my head, for emphasis!"

    1. I agree, and thank you for saying this! I don't care if she puts her t*ts on her back (to quote Cher), but the forehead lifts have GOT to stop. Her eyebrows are almost in her scalp.


  4. I have never noticed that on
    Candace in all the time I have watched her.
    Her hair styles seem to change, but I have
    never seen this head bobbing you mention!

  5. 1skydog,

    Honestly, I have never really noticed this,
    but I will tell you this--the next time Candace
    is on, I will consciously watch for it. I am not
    disputing you, just never noticed.
