Monday, October 21, 2013

Burn These Witches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Burn Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 No, darlings, even after my previous post, this is not a convocation of the "He-Man Woman Hater's Club!!!!!!!!!"   This is not Girls Bashing Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I just tell it like it is;  the order that it comes,  I have no control over, dolls!  And you all know I love YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But, really, let's stop and talk about Katelyn Roman, 12, and Guadalupe Shaw, 14.  These are the two Florida girls having been arrested, and charged, with felony stalking, resulting in the tragic suicide, last month, of Rebecca Sedwick.  She is the young girl who threw herself from the tower of a closed down construction plant, in Lakeland, Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Well, I am glad someone is being charged.  I just wish  it wasn't more, because I believe more than just Katelyn and Guadalupe were involved.  And that some of those involved were boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Getting back to Katelyn and Guadalupe--it's times like these, when I think there actually was a point to the Salem Witchcraft trials.  It was in Europe where the witches were burned; here, they were hanged!

                                    Well, in the cases of Katelyn and Guadalupe, I say, tighten that rope, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hang them high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It's not going to bring back Rebecca, but it will give her family some closure, and start making a point that behavior  like this  is not going to, nor should ever, be tolerated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      That bitch Guadalupe!  She actually posted on Facebook, "Yes, I bullied Rebecca; she killed herself, and I don't give a fuck!"  Nice sentence structure, hon!  It also speaks of your lack of conscience, which is a tip off, right away, of sociopath behavior!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And don't give me that  hormonal argument!  Plenty of teen girls menstruate, but they don't all kill people!

                                          Of course, the parents are maintaining their daughters are innocent!!!!!!!!  The whole thing reminds me of that 'SVU' episode  I have mentioned on here, from 2004--"Mean."  The parents there thought their daughters were innocent, too.  But they got sent to the slammer!

                                          At the time of that episode, I said the girls' parents should have been charged, with raising such monsters!  I feel that in this case, too.  Especially as Katelyn's mother, Vivian, (who is only
30, which means she had Katelyn as a teen, which makes her a slut!!!!!!!!!) unrelated to her daughter's case, is facing child abuse and negligence charges!!!!!!!!!!!  Some family that is!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I hope these girls get the justice the Sedwick family wants.  I hope they serve as a warning to others.  But I wish the others who were involved could be charged, too!  Don't just bring these two girls down, bring them all responsible down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And they call Florida the "Sunshine State!" Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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