Monday, October 21, 2013

Proud To Have Been There, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I will never forget May 22, 1978, which was a Saturday, and the day I saw "Runaways" at the Plymouth Theatre, that matinee!!!!!!!!!!   The day was memorable, not just for the performance, (which I will get to, darlings!!!!!!!!!!) but because it turned out to be a sad day in our family's history.

                                Back then, when young, and shuttling back between Manhattan and Jersey for matinees, the deal was my father would pick me up at the bus stop, and whisk us off to Mass!  That day, we did not go--we went the next day!  Because that day we learned that, a day or so earlier, one of  the elder Hearn cousins, Bart, had been killed in a terrible car accident!  He had been coming from a business dinner, and how much there had been, twixt cup and lip, remains a mystery, even to this day!!!!!!!!!!!!  Even so, or not, the event was terribly tragic, as he was only thirty!!!!!!!!  I always, sadly, associate this show, with Bart's death.

                               Which does  not mean the performance was any less memorable.  See the little girl, in the yellow sweater, with side braids, off to the right????  In the Catholic school girl uniform??????  That is Trini Alvarado, who was only 11, then, and, darlings, when she stepped out of the line, and advanced forward, to sing "Lullaby From Baby To Baby," it  was, and remains, something I feel privileged to have witnessed.  I may have missed Shelley Plimpton in "HAIR," or Alice Playten in "Henry, Sweet Henry," but, damn, darlings, I am thankful to God that I got to see Trini!!!!!!!!!!

                                Well, darlings, now YOU can, too!  Thanks to the miracles of technology, I can share it
with you.  Trini and Company performed a segment from "Runaways" on the 1978 TONY Awards, and a good chunk of "Lullaby From Baby To Baby" is featured!  As well as an outstanding spot by Josie De Guzman!!!!!!!!

                                  Here it is, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  And, as  Trini wrote on the album cover photo of "Runaways," "Lots of love."

                                   Lots of love to you all, darlings!  And, of course, you too, Trini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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