Sunday, October 6, 2013

Darlings, I'm Just A Sheltered Cosette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               "What's the matter with you, Cosette?
                                                 Have you been too much on your own?"
                                                 --Judy Kuhn, "Les Miserables"

                          That's right, girls, you better believe it!  Convent raised, and convent educated!!!!!!!

                          Alas, I feel as delicate as Cosette this morning, what with a migraine, and wanting to exercise, but unable to, not to mention we are expecting Auntie Alvin over in just a few short hours!!!!!  No wonder I am betwixt and between!  Cosette would be, too!

                           But, remember, dolls, for all her delicacy--just like me!!!!--Cosette perseveres!!!!!!!!!  She is, after all, the daughter of Fantine, who suffered as much Hell on earth as Life could throw at her!!!!!!!!!!!  So, she has hidden reserves of her own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Even so, there are days when one wants to just throw back in bed, like a wounded Cosette!!!!!!!!

                              So, here is hoping, girls, we all find our hidden reserves today!

                              I think mine might come from a jolt of caffeine!!!!!!!!!!!

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