Saturday, October 5, 2013

What I Want To Know Is, Why The Hell Wasn't I Seen For The Role Of Veda??????????

                                             Every reader on here, girls, knows it has been my role model, for years!

                                             I just heard about this production of "Mildred Fierce,"  (not to be confused with the classic Carol Burnett parody, which I am sure some of my girls will recall!!!!!!!!!!!!) which goes up tonight, at the Theatre 80 St. Marks, and plays though a series of October weekends, ending the 27th!!!!!!!!!!  I just had to buy a ticket, so Monsieur and I are going on the 19th!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Which is just perfect irony!  That date just happens to have been my mother's
birthday, and, rest assured, darlings, I am searching still for that famous pic of her on our 1964 California trip, where we stopped at Grauman's Chinese Theatre, and she stood in the footprints of....Joan Crawford!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                This production, which comes to New York by way of Boston, is being billed as "A Noir Musical!"  I hope they give Veda a show stopper!  You can bet if I had played her, honeys, she would have brought down the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   I must have psychic energy of some sort, related to theater.  Recall, how just a few days ago, I was going around, like Veda Ann Borg, singing "You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby??????"  I must have had some kind of premonition.  Hell, I would even play Miriam, just to sing the song, in the opening!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    I can't wait to see how they handle "Mildred Pierce!"  Will there be titles, with waves crashing against  the beach?????????????????

                                                    And you know I will give all my girls a full report!!!!!!  But, as Veda herself would say--

                                 "Are you sure you want to know?????????"