Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Girls, Here Is One Guaranteed Halloween Howler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Until yesterday, darlings, I had never heard of "Evil Come, Evil Go," which goes back to 1972!!!!!!!!!!!!  How did I manage to miss this?   The only star of any note in it is future male porn icon, Johnny Holmes, in the role of "Pool Player."  But the two stars, who bring the house down with this one, are Cleo O'Hara as Sister Sarah Jane Butler, and Sandra Henderson, as Sister Penny.

                                           The way the story goes, Sister Sarah Jane is a Christian evangelist from the Midwest (where else, dolls????????) who makes her way to Los Angeles, onetime City Of The Angels, which is just perfect for her agenda.  She also dresses like Baby Jane Hudson, to accentuate her innocence and virtue, I guess!!!!!!!  You see, Sister Sarah Jane hates men, and so, while singing on streets
by day, preaching the message of the Lord, with her accordion, she switches tactics once the sun goes down, when she becomes a man hater who trolls bars for men, picks them up, pretends to have sex with them, and then does them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Not only is this offbeat film just perfect for Halloween, it is ideally tailored for anyone with sexual issues--lesbians, misogynists, or sex addicts, in general!!!!!!!!!  I can see this one being screened at Twelve Step conferences across the country!!!!!!!!!  Maybe it already has been!!!!!!!  And if not, then why not????????????

                                              Even preachers need acolytes, and Sister Jane finds one in Sister Penny, an overweight, lonely lesbian (let's not go there, loves!!!!!!!!!) who comes to Sister Sarah for help.  As she tells
Sarah, imploringly, "I have a strange compulsion to obey you!"

                                               The writers must have had a field day with this one, which is like a gender reversed parody of "Night Of The Hunter," stripped of any artistry whatsoever.  Here is Sister Sarah Jane, on her mission:   "Come heed my word!  I had a vision!  My name is Sarah Jane Butler
                           and I was sent by the Good Lord himself to rid the world of pleasurable

                                                 Imagine saying this in Los Angeles !   Try spouting this in Las Vegas!  The woman would have been Biblically stoned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   How Sister Sarah Jane can steel herself to have sex with men, when she hates it so much is not just a mistake in the script, it is a clue to her psychological deviancy!!!!!!!!!  Which is why, when Penny comes along, she uses the lesbian to entice men, and then, while the men are engaged, she
bursts forward, with a knife, and spouts this howler: "How dare you beget in front of me!!!!!!!!"

                                                     But, my favorite line of all comes when Sarah Jane has located the man she wants to be the next victim. Calling out to Sister Penny she intones--"Get your tambourine, Sister Penny! We're going out!"

                                                       You can't beat trash like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Are Sarah Jane and Penny stopped?  And how?  Does the whole thing culminate in a big lesbian blood bath????????  Or even male blood bath????????  I wish I could tell you, lambs, but this is as much as I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           "Evil Come, Evil Go" sounds like a movie made for an evening of twisted Halloween delights!  It would go great on a double bill with Ruth Roman starring in "The Baby!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                               Like the ad says, "No one is safe from the Preacher Woman," darlings!!!!!!!   This movie will never promote women to the priesthood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     If only I could show you a scene from this classic, darlings!
The scene with Sister Sarah Jane playing her accordion on the street, while trilling "Shall We Gather At The River," is priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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