Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Now, Here Is Something Worth Getting Up For, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               This is only one of many beautiful views I see each morning, when I do my morning walk.  After scaring you all this week, and with Halloween coming up tomorrow, I figure I better get in some lightness between the dark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Shore Road Park is huge.  I suppose I could walk here, if I had the time, but the place I go is right off 79th, into a circular area around what in the Summer must be a children's water fountain, which marks the halfway stretch of my walk!!!!!!!   And, as I said, I stare out at the waters of the bay, and, in my head, hear Judy Collins singing "Albatross."

                                       Which is something I can share with you, darlings!  It was on the very first Judy
Collins album I ever bought, and one of her best--"Wildflowers!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                              


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