Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Justice For Baby Hope, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Back in 1991--I vaguely remember this-- in a wooded area in Upper Manhattan, an abandoned ice cooler was discovered.  What was inside was worse--the corpse of a young, undernourished and apparently maltreated four-year-old girl, with no identity whatsoever.  The child was known for years as Baby Hope, and like Lisa Steinberg and Etan Patz, hers became one of the true folk horror stories that can actually happen to children in this city.  The case also went cold.

                                           Just recently, twenty two years later, police say they cracked the case. Baby Hope is/was actually four-year-old Anjelica Castillo.  She was sexually assaulted and murdered by a cousin visiting relatives, Conrado Juarez, who was about 30 at the time.  After he strangled her, he got his sister, whose house he was visiting in Queens, to help him wrap Baby Hope, place her in the cooler, and dispose of her, so they could go on their merry way.

                                              Too bad that sister died in the intervening years, to be denied Earthly justice, though who knows what worse justice might be right now being meted out to her in the Hereafter???? As for Juarez, he is looking at conviction, and the Death penalty or a life sentence.  Or maybe less; just like Thor Christiansen, in my previous post, was murdered for his crimes, I feel, if Juarez is sent to prison, the same fate might very well befall him.  And, girls, I will not bat an eye!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               What I want to know is--where was Baby Hope's mother, during all this?  Why is it that  these types of urban street trash get their kids killed, yet are the first to cry victim?  Why don't they take some responsibility for their children, or themselves?  Why couldn't she protect Baby Hope better?????????

                                                   I am glad Anjelica Castillo is finally resting in a place of peace.  I am happy there is now closure for the family, But, if that same family had not been so stupid, maybe they would not have lost Baby Hope.

                                                    But OH NO!  No one would EVER say that!!!!!!!!!  That would be--OH MY GOD--POLITICALLY INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     It takes the Raving Queen, to speak the truth. But then I am the nutso one, aren't I?????????????????????


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