Tuesday, October 15, 2013

When One Has Been Away From The Village Scene, Girls, You Have No Idea What Has Been Going On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          What a weekend it has been, darlings!  Saturday, we headed into the city to have dinner with my literary niece and artistic nephew, so, on the way, we stopped at my home away from home--Three Lives Books, on Waverly Place.

                                              But not before having a cup of coffee at Jack's, where, darlings, Celia Keenan -Bolger is known to have been seen, and discovering that--this is simply shocking, darlings--the Eighth Street Barnes and Noble is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I had no idea this was even a foreboding event.  How horrifying for those of us who love books. What is this city coming to?????????????

                                                  And it places pressure on Three Lives. Because, when it comes to books in the West Village now, they are it!!!!!!!!!!  I want all of you to support Toby and his band of merry staffers and help keep this Literary Bastion going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't buy your books anywhere else but here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I am pleading with all of you, darlings!  As an ex-child of the Sixties--Justice And Freedom For Three Lives, In The Name Of Angela Davis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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