Monday, October 28, 2013

Now, Here Is The Movie, For A Very Twisted Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Now, girls, let me warn you, this has nothing to do with Cropsy, the disfigured caretaker at the center of the 1981, cult horror film, "The Burning."    This film is actually a documentary surrounding the Urban Legend of the figure who haunts the grounds of the abandoned mental institution on Staten Island, known as Willowbrook.  It is a meditation on evil lurking on the grounds, how Cropsey, and his legend, has been used for generations to punish little children, and how that legend became all too real when , in 1987, Jennifer Schweiger, a 12-year-old girl with Down's Syndrome, mysteriously vanished.  Soon, other children began vanishing, and the mystery and horror of both Cropsey and Willowbrook, became all too real.

                                              But, darlings, the other horror at the center of it all is.....Staten Island itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Imagine growing up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Imagine LIVING there!!!!!!!!!!  Not even Jersey  could top this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I mean, you have got to see for yourselves, darlings, Donna Cutugno, well-intentioned organizer, founder and spokesperson for the organization, Friends Of Jennifer, but, oh, honeys she is SO Lonnnnnnnnnn  Gilsand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh moy Gawwwwwwwwwd!!!!!!!!!   You have got to hear the accent to believe it!  Clearly Staten Island lacks a shortage of Speech Pathologists, but, then, why are they needed, since the other horror to this film is that many people never get off this island, because they would rather live here than anywhere else!  Like those Japanese, on that island, in "Ringu!!!!!"  They would rather remain there, instead of seeing the outside world!!!!!!!  Even going across the river to Manhattan, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 It is all so twisted!  Added to which, it is all REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, for this Halloween, I cannot think of a more twisted movie to watch than the documentary "Cropsey," first released to theaters in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I am telling you, it would elicit a reaction from the corpse of Mrs. Bates!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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