Monday, October 28, 2013

Darlings, I Am Telling You, THIS Is The Halloween Costume For This Year!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  No, girls, this is not me being decked out for Halloween!   I have enough trouble with my own costume, which is simply being myself.  But, mark my words, if you want to be the hit of your Halloween party this year, you have to go as Maleficent, the Evil Fairy (who, of course all gay men either think they are, or dream of being!!!!!!!!!) from Disney's 1959 classic, "Sleeping Beauty."  The only thing scarier would be having a group dress up as the giant dragon Maleficent turns into, at the end of the film.  Sort of like a nightmare version of Caroline, The Cow, from "Gypsy!"  And scarier than Mama Rose!!!!!!!!

                                   But Maleficent is a gay man and costumer's dream--make-up, glamour, props (if you REALLY want to be a hit, darlings, go with a live, trained raven perched on yours shoulder! I am sure they can be found!!!!!!!!!).

                                     Let's face it, it stands to reason the creators of Maleficent at Disney were gay themselves.  Not only is the costume iconic, but the whole thing starts over Maleficent being royally pissed that she was NOT invited to a party!!!!!!!!!! How much more gay can you get????????

                                      Guess no one told Uncle Walt!!!!!!!  Either that, or he was too busy with anti-Semitism, informing for J. Edgar Hoover, or staring at Annette Funicello's tits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I wish I had the time, assistants, and artistry to dress as Maleficent for Halloween!!!!!  But I don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Maybe I could go as Hayley Mills, in "Pollyanna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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