Sunday, October 27, 2013

Poor Paula Zahn!!!!!!!!!!! Can She Be Just Unceremoniously Dumped??????????????????

                                               As you know, girls, for lo these many Sundays, it has been of crucial importance we are home by 10 PM, to watch "On The Case, With Paula Zahn."  Just recently, a new show, "A Stranger In My Home," has been occupying its spot.  I have not really seen a segment, but it deals with people who, for various reasons, have taken into their homes people they do not know very well--and the consequences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Suddenly, it occurred to me--Where is Paula????? Has she, just, been dumped?????????

                                              Usually, on ID, when a series is ending, they make a big deal about it, publicizing, the "Season Finale."  There was nothing like that, with Paula!  One week, she was there, then suddenly she was gone!  Like the Wicked Witch Of The West, in Munchkinland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                How dare they diss Paula???????  True, she isn't Aphrodite Jones, but she tried her best!  And her hair and outfits were improving, believe me!!!!!!!   Yes, her delivery was over earnest, but that is just part of being Paula, but the cases she covered were interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, why toss her out, like yesterday's garbage??????????  And, instead of the ersatz "A Stranger In My Home," why not put Aphrodite in this choice Sunday spot????????  That could make up, a bit, for Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Us devotees of Paula demand an answer!  I think the next "On The Case, With Paula Zahn" should examine....Paula Zahn and I.D.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Stay tuned here, darlings, for future developments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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