Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rex Reed, You Need To Be Bitch Slapped, Honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            See?  I am Equal Opportunity.  It is not just Diana Ross who needs to be bitch slapped, but Rex Reed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             You girls are not going to believe what he had the absolute temerity to do, and that is to criticize, even to the slightest degree, the current Broadway revival of "The Glass Menagerie," which is like a gift from God on high, delivering flawlessly perfect theater to audiences on a silver platter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But, not according to Rex, who says Cherry Jones is delivering "the worst performance of her career," and that Zachary Quinto, as Tom, is affected and infected--the latter, apparently, from working with Cherry Jones!!!!!!!!  It also does not sound like he is too crazy about the Williams work to begin with, which calls his cred into question right there; it is a masterpiece!  He says John Tiffany, the director, does not know anything.  He calls it a ruination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It is only because he was nevertheless captivated by Celia Keenan-Bolger, as the Laura Of Lauras--hell, who wouldn't be?????--and remarks how the Gentleman Caller scene is not only the best written scene in the play, but the best played, because the actors are so good, that I am not going to torch his testicles with an acetylene torch!  I will just slap him across his bitch face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Hey, Rex, how long have you been holed up in that dump of yours, in the Dakota?????  From remarks like this, it is obvious you do not get out much. Are you going for the Little Edie Beale award???????  Start cooking that cobbed corn on that hot plate, darling!!!!!!!!!  Next to you, Laura Wingfield herself was a Girl About Town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Rex, honey, it is time to hang it up!  People stopped taking you seriously more than 30 years ago!!!!!!!!  Even Lauren Bacall!!!!!!!!!!!!  At least Laura has her glass animals to look at, what do
you have? How about looking at your face in the mirror, until it, (the mirror!!!!!!!!) cracks???????????????

                                   Goodbye, Rex!  See you among all the other retirees, at Boca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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