Saturday, October 12, 2013

Speaking Of Mothers, Girls, To Think I Wanted Her To Do THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               What can I say, darlings?????????  When I was a small child, one of the TV ads that fascinated me was the one run for Contadina Tomato Paste.  These ads were big when I was small; as I grew older, they seemed to appear less and less.  But while they did, the woman on the can fascinated me!  For a time I wanted to be this myself, then, I actually got the idea of having my mother do it!

                                                  Clearly, I was media destined!  While I was still small enough to fit into the seat in the front of the shopping cart, when we got  to the aisle where tomato paste was, I would pull Contadina off the shelf, and start spouting the ad verbatim, speaking in the spitting vernacular of the advertiser, so much so I ended up spitting all over the can!!!!!!!!  Heaven help the next purchaser!!!!!!!  Then, I told my mother she should do the advertisement, and be the Contadina woman, because she was perfect for the part, and, besides, if they (my parents) were too intimidated to make money off of me performing, why not she????????????  Honestly, you cannot imagine how precocious I was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Alas, my mother never took my advice!  Too bad, because think of those royalties I could be living off of, and I could be doing more important things like spending time here with my girls, or rushing off to high end luncheons and art galas, rather than rushing to my day job!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    So, all this passes through my mind whenever I see a Contadina Tomato Paste can!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe if MY mother had been on the can, I would have used it more!

                                                     Because I usually buy Hunt's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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