Saturday, October 12, 2013

Darlings, I Should Have Played Margaret White!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Anyone on here who has read  me for awhile knows I despise child abuse and child abusers.  But, girls, the actor in me would have loved to have had a go at playing Margaret White, the abusive, religious fanatic mother, in "Carrie."  She is probably the most famous Mother From Hell character in American culture, and the most juicy role since Martine Bartlett, in a fictitious way, though based on an actual person, played Hattie Dorsett in "Sybil."

                                Now, back in 1976, Piper,  as Margaret, really camped it up! Now, with Julianne Moore playing it, with the least amount of make up possible, I am sorry, but Margaret is still a bit too glammed up!!!!!!!!!  But Julianne has acting chops, so I think she could be the best Margaret ever!

                                  Had I played it, I would have gone for a more sociopathic interpretation.  But the story would have, with me playing Margaret, taken a decidedly different approach!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The way it would have played out, with me, as Margaret, after Carrie gets home from school, from being abused, Margaret finds out who is responsible!  She spews her religious wrath, locks Carrie in the closet, then goes upstairs, locks her door, unseen, until she comes out, all dolled up as only Julianne can, with me looking like something off the cover of "Marie Claire,"  Then, Margaret strumpets her way into town, in a style unseen since Gloria Grahame as Violet Bick, in "It's A Wonderful Life," goes to the school, tracks  every one of the administrators and teachers, and peer abusers, down, and stabs each and every one with a butcher knife!!!!

                                     With everyone who deserves to die dead, Margaret goes home, bloodied knife in hand!  But not before she goes shopping for some accessories!!!!!!!!  She then gets home, lets Carrie out of the closet, and pointing the knife at her, drags her upstairs to her room!  The door is locked; we hear nothing but screams, then the door opens, and a glammed up Carrie emerges, with Margaret walking down the stairs behind her, sending her out the door, and into the world, with the surest items for success--a designer gown, wicked hair style, Prada pumps, and a gold plated American Express card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        That is how I would play Margaret, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  More like Miss Clairol, than Lady Gaga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          And "Carrie" would never be the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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