Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Word On The Street, Girls, Is That Jessie Is A Knockout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     "Beautiful, The Carole King Musical," just opened at the Curran Theatre out in San Francisco, and already the word is that Jessie Mueller is the reason to see the show.  Not that I am the least surprised!  But it revs up even more the anticipation meter for Theater Queens back East, who are keening with anxiousness to get into the Sondheim Theatre, (where it will open here!!!!) and experience the magic of Jessie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Reports indicate the show needs some work, (and what show doesn't, I ask you???  Even the classics we know and love had to be tinkered with, before their opening curtain went up!!!! Like Cassie being finally hired, at the close of "A Chorus Line!!!!!!!!!!") but that Jessie is more than capable of carrying it on her own,  and carry it she does superbly.

                                                        I also hear that her heartbreaking rendition of one of King's signature tunes, "It's Too Late," stops the show every night!  I cannot wait to hear this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Ever since she blew me away, when first appearing on the scene in the revival of 'On A Clear Day,' I have  been saying Jessie needs a vehicle of her own, if she is going to win the TONY Award she is so overdue for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This could be it, girls; whether the show itself gets raves or mixed, Jessie is the drawing card here, thousands will flock to her, and all will come out and praise her!!!!!!

                                                            Remember, you first heard it here, darlings!!!!!!!  Go, Jessie!!!!!!!!!!!

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