Thursday, October 24, 2013

This "October Surprise" Had Little Surprise To Offer, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Actually, the month itself, so far, has offered more surprises, what with a visit upstate to Cousin Phyllis, the impending visit of my father, sister and cousin, Brian, to our apartment on Saturday, not to mention yesterday being the official day that the Swallows leave Capistrano, not returning until next St. Joseph's Day, March 19, 2014.  Which will be here, before you know it.

                                And just one week from today is Halloween!  I still have to pick a movie out, let alone a costume!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But poor "Law And Order SVU."  The fifteenth season started so strongly, but now it seems to have come grinding to a crashing halt.  I did not even bother to watch the episode with Munch retiring; I really did not care.  "October Surprise" was almost the same, a limp re-telling of the Anthony Weiner story, which was not really all that interesting, to begin with.

                                   What made the episode watchable was Raul Esparza's performance as ADA Barba.  I was more fascinated by the tale of class warfare being told than anything else.  Barba, Alex, the Mayoral candidate, and his henchman, Eddie, grew up together in the Bronx.  One went into politics, the other into Ivy League law, while Eddie stayed in the nabe, alternating between small jobs and petty crime.  Like people
from my town, who remain in Goat Alley all their lives.  The only way they get to see the President streets is by doing yard work, or house cleaning for those who own them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, this dynamic, sparked by Esparza's sizzling performance, was the only thing holding this rather predictable story together for me.  Even Olivia, and the usually wonderful Kelli Giddish, as Rollins, did not seem too enthused by the script; I have never seen Giddish yet walk through a performance, but  she seemed to last night!

                                       Of course, the whole thing came down to Esparza being loyal to his roots, or himself!  Some might call his attitude selling out.  And I have known some sellouts in my life, whom I despise.
The things I could tell you!  Oh, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I don't think Barba sold out. When you have escaped from a less than memorable past, one you wanted to escape from, in the first place, you do all in your power to survive, so that you do not fall back there. Believe me, I know!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, I had a lot of sympathy for Barba.

                                            But, I did not like the scriptwriters' playing around with his character, trying to make it seem like he is heterosexual!!!!!!!!!! Come on, now!!!!!!!!!!!!   What was with all this snuggling, hugging and nuzzling of Alex's wife. This is more than fag hag stuff, I can tell you!  Who do the writers think
they are kidding??????? Even the most right winged viewers know Esparza's character is gay!!!!!!!  If the writers had some guts, they would write a story relating the case of a slain gay, that touches upon Esparza's integrity and socio-political standing, as a gay man!!!!!!!!!!  Let's see if they dare!!!!!!!!!  Don't make me laugh!!!!!!!

                                            The only real surprise offered in "October Surprise" is that Barba's first name is
Raphael, or "Raffy," as he is nicknamed!  Big deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Come on, guys, you better do better than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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