Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Was Craig Crimmins Related To Alice???????????????????

                           You have to wonder about that, darlings!  They might not have been of the same blood, but they were, unquestionably, two pieces of trash, cut from the same cloth.

                             Let's start with Craig.  Long before Andrew Lloyd Webber's "The Phantom Of The Opera" appeared on the scene, let alone become the Longest Running Broadway Show Ever; one year before Judi Miller wrote the trash classic "Save The Last Dance For Me," which was set in the dance/ballet world of Lincoln Center in New York, a palpably real terror (which may have inspired Miller to write her story)  was haunting these artistic environs.

                               This media described "baby faced killer" was only 21 at the time he murdered  30-year-old violinist Helen Hagnes Muntiks, on the evening of  July 23, 1980.  It was actually off opera season, and the Berlin Ballet was in residence at the Met, giving a series of performances.

                                The first thing I want to know, darlings, is how does some low life, Irish working class kid from the Mosholu Parkway section of the Bronx, become a stagehand at the Met?  And at so young an age?  Did his family have IATSE connections?  Because becoming a stagehand at the MET is akin to joining the NYFD or the Teamsters--it takes connections, usually family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Apparently, he was not the artistic type. Remember the famous shot in "Citizen Kane," as the stagehands, at the start of "Salammbo," the ersatz opera meant to mark Susan Alexander's (the great Dorothy Comingore) debut, are seen to pinch their noses, as the camera moves upward, after she has begun to sing????????   Well, Crimmins did not even have this much taste, or interest, or professionalism; he spent less time doing his job (a job which many arts individuals would covet!!!!!!!!!) there, than milling about, trying to find  women to score with.

                                     And this is what led to the murder of Helen Hagnes Muntiks, that evening.  He was in the elevator, riding, with Helen and her friend, Laura Cutler.  Helen was looking for a ballet star whom she was anxious to secure work from for her sculpture husband.  The mysterious man in the elevator advised her to go to the third floor.  When Cutler got off, the brash, low class Crimmins made an overt pass at Helen, for which she rebuffed and slapped him!  Damn right!  You go, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What Helen did not know was that Crimmins was drunk, high on pot (typical for his evening there!!!!!!!!) and fueled by rage, as he regarded her rebuff as an attack on his manhood!  Gimme a break!!!!!!!!!  This crime, for which Crimmins earned the nickname "Phantom Of The Opera," and the case the
"Phantom Of The Opera Murder," was also regarded as a class one; the implication being that a top flight classical violinist would never go near a lowly stagehand.  This may be false, this may be true; I have seen no
evidence to confirm this aspect.   Even if Crimmins had been a dancer, his behavior would still have been boorish and inexcusable.

                                      Fueled by rage, when Helen got off the elevator, near the electrician's office, he followed, then accosted her, dragging her away to another area, where he tried to rape her.  But too much hooch could not set Willy free, if you know what I mean, so, instead of chalking it up to biology and drugs, this crazed nut begins to strangle her.  He eventually hauls her  up to  the roof of the building, where he kicks her off, causing her to fall three stories to a ledge connected to the Met building.

                                         You can bet this guy was caught, about a month later, on August 29, 1980. He was tried, convicted, and 33 years later, now 54 years of age, is still in prison, and it is unlikely he will get out.  Let him do "I Pagliacci" there, if he wants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Alice was a different proposition, but cut from the same cloth.  I hate to cast aspersions on the borough of Queens, but that was where she was  from.  Just like Ellen Barkin--straight outta Queens!!!!!!!!  She was accused of killing her two children, Edward, Jr, age 5, and Alice Marie (aka Missy), age 4.  This was the trial of the day; I vividly recall this from my childhood, and the name Alice Crimmins became synonymous, then, with Mothers From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Crimmins claimed the kids vanished from their rooms--that someone took them--on July 14, 1965.  Missy's body, strangled, was found in a vacant lot not far away; days later, the body of Edward, Jr, was found, nearby, in a similar condition.  Her detached manner, except when the cameras turned on her, led cops to believe Crimmins was an attention junkie, who killed those kids!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               That Alice Crimmins, I am telling you!  She was a cool one, who added to her trashiness by--wait till you hear this, girls!!!!--working as a cocktail waitress!  A cocktail waitress!!!!!! And you know how cheap and trashy they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  What goads me is today Crimmins is a free woman, most likely in her seventies, remarried, and living in--where else?????--Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That this cold bitch could just mentally block out  those children and what she had done to them says all needed to be said about her monstrousness.
There is a higher justice than on Earth, Alice, and someday, it will be coming to you, but good!  I hope those children, in the Afterlife, bitch slap you to Kingdom Come!  Which is just what you deserve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      No, I cannot prove that Craig and Alice Crimmins are related!!!!!!!  But,
they may as well have been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        At least, Craig is where he now needs to be. Alice is out there living the lie she calls her life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Things have a way of catching up, Alice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. There is no way anyone will ever know whether Alice committed the crime of killing her children because the police and detectives who worked that case did a terrible job. Police never entertained the idea of another killer and they did not investigate anyone sufficiently enough to connect the murders of the children to anyone. They tried to piece together the information to make it serve the theory they had come up with. Based on all the facts I have learned and assessing the behavior and comments of Alice, I believe she was innocent and was never given the chance to know who the real killer of her children was. She was being selfish, sexing herself up, and perhaps not being the best mother, but there is absolutely no evidence that she ever harmed her children. Also, to the common claim that she wanted her children gone so that she could do as she pleased also doesn't make since because she was already doing what she wanted and the children were not getting in the way of that. The custody battle does raise questions, but it raises more about the father than the mother. The father even admitted to being staked out outside the apartment on the night the children disappeared. There are several reasons why I think this woman is innocent, and that is not to say I agree with how she was living, but nonetheless I believe she is and was innocent. It is obvious that you are not coming to your convictions based on any facts because you literally said "Cocktail waitress...we know how trashy they all are!!! with like a million exclamation points. Really? I do not think I would trust the judgment of someone who lets biases and stereotypes come into play when it comes to such a serious decision.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Miss Stokes,
    I literally just saw your comments yesterday, so forgive the delay.

    Get a grip, dear. I agree the police investigation was far from great. And I agree, times being what they were, there were some social biases at work.

    But, cocktail waitress or not, Alice Crimmins raises several questions. For instance, not once after she was released did she make any effort to find out who killed those children; what actually happened to them. They just did not fly out the nursery window, like the Darlings in "Peter Pan! Even more questionable is the children's father, who evidenced no concern or interest, at all. What was that all about? And after the melee died down, he did a bigger disappearing act than Alice!!! What is up with that?

    Someone killed those children. Now, maybe it wasn't Alice, but that does not make her innocent. If an accomplice did the deed, with Alice's awareness, she is as guilty. The ID program on her described her as"the Casey Anthony:" of her time. I disagree. Alice was not June Cleaver, but I don't see her as Casey. I thionk she needed to get out of marriage to Crimmins, but too bad it happened this way.

    Too many questions surround Alice and the case to draw any conclusions. You say she is innocent! Until such proof can be produced, I say, at the very least, Alice has something to hide--and is doing so!


  4. jillv,

    I am sure you are right. When I wrote the
    post, the name "Crimmins" stood out. It is
    not a common one to me. Plus I remember the
    case of Alice very well; I was nine when it
    happened, and it has fascinated me ever since.

    But thanks for sharing, and feel free to drop
    in on here, anytime!
