Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Is It With People At Cultural Events, Darlings?????????????

                                 After all the drama in attendance, last Friday, at my morning screening of the new "Carrie," I was fascinated by the man and woman getting into a slug fest after a recent Jets-Patriots game.
Now, as you know, dolls, what do I know about football?  You toss a ball, right?

                                    I do know that these events are populated by crowds that have their own fan base, much as theater and opera do.  They are all part of our American culture, and thus are Cultural Events!!!!!!!!!

                                     But why should the rest of us have to worry about fights breaking out when we go to one?

                                      At "Carrie," the whole thing stemmed from misbehavior on one part, reprimanding on others, which escalated, when the film was done, into a verbal, and then physical, altercation.  I am not sure who threw the first punch at my event, nor am I sure who threw at the post game exiting.  But I can tell
you the punch the woman took would have been enough to KO me to the ground, and sent me to the hospital.  She must be eating her Wheaties, or modeling herself on Pam Grier, as Foxy Brown, because, honeys, I am telling you, after her head snapped back, she pulled herself together, pulled back her arm, and belted the guy right back in the face!  Kind of like when Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner were married!  Ava took no crap; you better believe it!!!!  So, I sort of have to hand it to this woman!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         On the other hand, why can't people behave at cultural events?  It's bad enough, those Vicious Opera Queens tear into each other in the upper balcony at the Metropolitan Opera, but now this behavior is being extended to movies and sporting events. Has the Gay Rights Movement (which I support) freed up behavior in other people, making them comfortable turning into a nation of those who behave like a group of Bitchy Queens??????  Come on, darlings; there is no short of supply of them in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just start with me!!!!!!!!!  Why do we need to add any more to the bitch stew???????

                                            The real danger here is falling into urban paranoia.  After the "Carrie" incident, I almost swore off going to the movies in Manhattan.  Now, am I going to swear off cultural events, save for staying in Saturdays, save for WNET????????  I can't do it; it is my job to be out there on the beat, to help you girls keep up with what is worth noting happening in this town!!!!!!!!!!  And I cannot do that if the events I go to are not live!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Where was Security at the game???????  I didn't see any!  Start with that!
Why did it take another patron in my theater to break up the fight?  Why couldn't security or management have come in and intervene.

                                                 Technological advances, wonderful as they are, have accelerated such negative behavior, like bullying,  Among more adult members of society, this boils down to a lack of impulse control, which says, if you feel like acting out, do so!!!!!!!!!!!!  Which is what is happening here, and which must be stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Otherwise, we are headed to the world of "Fight Club."  Or "The Hunger Games."

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