Tuesday, October 22, 2013

To This Pigeon, The Hearts Of Men Are Nothing More Than Trinkets On Her Bracelet Of Broken Hearts!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Our lovely, and lovable friend, Pete, The Pigeon, who chirps to us each morning, helping to wake us up, who perches blithely on the corner of the fire escape window nearest our dining table, so he can share in breakfast with us, has had his heart tarnished by Lulabelle, the femme fatale fowl, pictured above!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This brazen hussy was seen flying about our inner courtyard all Summer, sometimes with Pete, sometimes not.  Pete spent lots of time with Lulabelle, and for a time it seemed they were an item. I was expecting to see, one morning, Pete and Lulabelle on that perch, with an offspring  of little grey and white pigeons next to them.

                                       Alas, this is not to be.  For, come Autumn, Lulabelle forsook our courtyard, and Pete, to hang about with the more trashy street pigeons.  She will now turn up her wings for anybody; the girl
has no shame.  As for Pete, well, like Fantine, he "dreamed a dream.  She took his childhood, in her stride.
But she was gone, when Autumn came!"

                                       Yesterday, I saw Lulabelle hanging out, with one of these "bad boy types, atop the side entrance--not even the front entrance, darlings!!!!!!!--of our local Met Supermarket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And would you believe she turned her beak away from me?  The cheek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         She is going to find out the hard way. If she doesn't watch out, her tail feathers will get ruffled, and she will end up out on the street!!!!!!!  Like Grizabella, the so-called Glamour Cat!!!!!!  Only, I don't think Lulabelle can sing!

                                           As for Pete, he can, because we hear him every morning. He knows he is loved, and we give him lots of love!  I have told him he can do much better than Lulabelle, and I am living proof!

                                             Look how long it took for me to find my Prince!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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