Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Here We Are, At The Three Lives Gala, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Just as I said, last night, as soon as I was sprung lose from work, Monsieur and I headed straight downtown to Three Lives And Company Bookstore, where I promptly snatched up my reserved copy of Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch," which you can see my clutching in my hand!

                                    This was a Literary Night of Nights!  I had no idea who else was in the store, because we were too busy setting up my publicity shots, girls!!!!!!!  And once we left the store, I had Monsieur store the copy away, because, if anyone on the subway with us knew we were carrying--gasp!--The New Donna Tartt!!!!!!!--we could be mugged!  And I haven't come this far for that to occur!  Besides, do you think I would let anyone get their hands on this book?  I'd kill them first!  Even my beloved is barely allowed to even touch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      As for reading it, well, darlings, I am sorry to report that I did not at once sink into
my chair, and start, once we got home. I am currently coming down the home stretch on Marisha Pessl's "Night Film," and, girls, will I have plenty to say about that!!!!!!!!!!.  In fact, I am curious to see if the Tartt book lives up to all the advance hoopla, because right now Pessl's book is looking pretty good for First Place!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But the jury is not in, until Donna has been read.   And, even when not at her absolute best, as with "The Little Friend," she is still a pleasure to read.  Give me one Donna Tartt every
decade or so, over Jennifer Egan's overrated, bordering on trash, prolifics!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         A marvelous time was had by all, at Three Lives!  Where Toby and Company see the customer always leaves satisfied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, congrats to Three Lives; you've done it, again!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         You'd never see me get this excited over Joan Didion, would you, now, darlings??????????

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