Wednesday, October 23, 2013

It Must Have Been "Moonset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Notice, girls, I said "Moonset, and not "Moonglow!!!!!!!!!"

                               Ever since, several weeks back, now, starting my half hour exercise walk, early each morning, something I see in the sky at this time always gives me such comfort--the moon going down.  I love this time of day, when the sunlight and the moon can be seen, simultaneously.  And anyone who tries to tell you that the moon is not some sort of Mistress Of Our Emotions hasn't a clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Even poets have noticed this comfort. Clement Clarke Moore, in his classic Christmas poem, "A Visit From St. Nicholas" (more commonly known, as "The Night Before Christmas") cites, "The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow, Gave the luster of midday to objects below."  I learned that phrase early, when I was a child. Back then, when we were going home from, say, my grandmother's, I loved seeing the moon high in the black sky, especially in Winter.  It was comforting, and I liked the way it seemed to follow me home, as though watching over all.  I still have those moon feelings, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Do I dance like a witch in it???????  Hardly, though, maybe if some of the weight comes off, who knows??????????

                                    When I started this exercise walking, I was in agony for days!  I could not say the merit in it at all. But, now, as I have been doing it, my legs are getting stronger, and I seem a tad less tired and winded, which will hopefully dwindle further, I look forward now to my walk each morning--my body being stimulated from exercise, and the beauty of that setting moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        La Bella Luna, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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