Saturday, October 19, 2013

You Can Tell A Lot About How "Judge Judy" Is Going To Be, From The Way It Starts!!!!!!!!!!

                                 My maternal grandmother once said, to me, "Never go to bed angry."  My beloved and I never do; darlings, with our high driven, high powered, New York careers, we simply do not, by bedtime, have the energy for it.  Seriously, though, we always try to go to bed laughing, and one way we do that is by getting in an hour dose of "Judge Judy" every night.

                                  The more I watch this show, the more I have noticed, from the beginning.  On some shows, Judge Judy enters the room, takes her seat, papers in hand, bouncing along as merrily as a youthful high school student.  Other times, she looks like she's just crawled in from an all night pub crawl.  Well, who could blame her?

                                    Let's face it, dolls, she's old!  So, you know what I think these varying moods mean?

                                     I think it is the sign of whether or not she has had a successful bowel movement!!!!!!!!

                                      Not to get gross, dears, but, the older one gets, scatological matters do become a bit more important.  Just like when we were babies, only in a different way.  So, I think that is what is going on with Judge Judy's entrances.  Watch this, and see whether or not I am right.  Maybe she just needs to drink more Sunsweet Prune Juice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And, of course, having said all this, I have to wonder--

                                        What is she actually seated on, behind the desk?  A bed pan?  Or an
infant's plastic potty training seat??????????????

                                           Don't let this keep you awake, at night, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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