Saturday, October 19, 2013

To Think, Darlings, This Is What I Once Aspired To!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

             Yes, girls, back in 1965, when the dueling film versions of "Harlow" came out, one starring Caroll Baker, and the other Carol Lynley.  I cannot recall, but one of them was billed as "The Picture The World Has Been Waiting To See!"

                Oh, really??????????  Wait till I'm through!  Now, THERE is a story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                 But, anyway, at that time, I wanted to be Jean Harlow.  I would wrap myself in blankets and fabrics, and practice posing in chairs, just like above, though we never had the right chairs on hand in my house, and I could not find a lick of ermine, chintz , or a mirror to match the one she is holding!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  All of which is by way of keeping a promise to someone, to post a very special post today.  This just happens to have been my mother's (you know, she who stood in Joan Crawford's footprints at Grauman's Chinese!!!!!!!!!!!) birthday. She would have been 99, and let me tell you, lambs, even if things had not gone down as tragically as they did, I do not think she would have made it to that.  Maybe 79, or 89, at best!  Wonder what that would have been like?  I'll never know!

                  But I do know that today is also the birthday of one of my favorite readers, Harlow Fan, so what better way to pay tribute, and thanks????  Happy Birthday, HF;  have a fabulous day, and bet you are looking as good as Jean in that photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Remember what Sheila says, in "A Chorus Line?"  "Well, hell, I'm thirty!  I mean, how many years do I have left to be a chorus cutie?  Three? Four, if I get my eyes done?"

                    You still have plenty of time to be a chorus cutie, sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thank you so much! I think my chorus cutie days are behind me, but I still keep trying!


  2. You're very welcome! And you go, girl! There can never be enough chorus cuties, in this world!!!!!!!!!!!
