Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Lovely Evening Was Had, Last Night, At Pranna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Yesterday was my actual birthday, girls, and the plan was to dine at a restaurant called Duo.  But, when Monsieur and I arrived, before everyone else in our party, we found the place was shut down, supposedly for renovations, though I doubt it.  I had been on the website day before, and not a word indicated such.

                             What were we to do?  Well, phone calls were made, and, since Pranna was right down the street, it was chosen.  Monsieur and I went there, noshed on some lovely appetizers, and then were joined by our prestigious party, which included the glamorous Ellen, World Traveler Steve, and Chris, the most cineaste of cineastes I have encountered, this side of the Hudson.  And you I have encountered a few in my day, dolls!!!!!!!!!!

                            The cuisine seemed a combination of Asian, Hindu and Indian.  Which is why I settled for a chicken shish ke bob, which was flavorful, but looked more like sausage, so I was not quite sure what I was eating.  Monsieur had what looked like a spicy Indian version of Chicken Marsala, laced with a red sauce.  Ellen had a cod dish, Chris had what i had, while Steve chowed down on something much too sophisticated for this honey's palette!!!!!!!!  For desert, which, to honor the occasion, came with a candle and sparkler, we shared folded pancake bread, laced with bananas and chocolate sauce, and vanilla ice cream.  It was luscious.  Another desert was ordered, and passed around, but I stuck with what i ordered.

                             An unusual and last minute choice.  Maybe a bit spicy, but I can report no upset stomachs, this morning!!!!!

                            And I will have much to write about.  Because, Cineaste Chris gave me some choice items--"Evil Come, Evil Go," "Night Warning" (with Susan  Tyrell as the incestuous aunt; I can't wait!!!), and an anthology of ghost stories that includes one about a possessed carousel horse!!!!!!  No Rodgers And Hammerstein, here, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              It was a fabulous way to turn 59!!!!!!!!!!  And now, as I have said, the countdown to 60 begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But, my PROFESSIONAL age is still 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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