Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Darlings, You Have Got To Eat At Da Silvano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It has been mentioned in one of Lauren Weisberger's books, girls, and Anna and Grace have been known to dine there.  Why not, since it is not all that far from Anna's residence?????  Not to mention, it is right on the way to the Film Forum!  So, what more reason does one need?

                                Well, there is the atmosphere and food. Monsieur and I dined here, on my birthday, and we had cozy atmosphere and a fabulous meal.  He shared some of his artichoke with me, which was luscious, but honest, darlings, they are just too much trouble to eat. Like devouring some plant life, from outer space!!!!!!!!!!!   I shared my bread salad with him, which was luscious with a scrumptious dressing that seemed the usual, with some extra flavor added.   Our main courses were almost the same, though composed differently.  Monsieur had the lasagna, and I had the tagliatelle bolognese.  How I wish I could have had that glass of wine, but as i am still transitioning with meds, I want to be extra cautious.  But Pellegrino is an excellent substitute , especially with the proverbial lemon twist!!!!!   For desert, we both  could not resist the Panna Cotta in chocolate sauce, though I was sorely tempted to go withe the vanilla gelato drowned in espresso!!!!!!!!  Mmmmmmmmmm!  Maybe next time!!!!!!!!!

                                  What will this do to my figure, girls??????????????

                                   If money were no object, I would have bribed one of the lovely waiters to tell us where Anna and Grace sit, when they come there.  I am sure they have a regular table.  So that, if we just suddenly happened to turn up......

                                   Alas, it was not to be!  But I am glad we turned up at Da Silvano!   If you are in the area, it is the place to go!

                                    And say hello to Grace and Anna, if you see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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