Monday, November 11, 2013

And Happy Birthday To Another Hunk, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Today is the birthday of that great actor, and consummate chef, Stanley Tucci!!!!!!!!!  Stanley turns 53 today, and seldom has that number looked so good!

                                         But don't get too excited, dolls!  Stanley recently married Emily Blunt's sister, Felicity, and I am sure those two are going to have a romantic and culinary fete today!!!!!

                                          Stanley has done so much for acting and food, that, on his day, we
all should do something for him!!!!!!!!!!

                                            So, march into that kitchen, dolls, and whip up something, in honor of Stanley!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Happy Birthday, Mr. Tucci!!!!!!!!!  Yum yum, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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