Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I love having this day off, but I always thought it was a day for honoring old coots!  Until I realized that Veteran's Day, today, is not only meant to acknowledge those who once served in our Armed Forces, but those who still are!  Which means you can honor those military hunks, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Actually, on this day, back in 1911, my paternal grandparents were married on this day, but that is another story that I am not yet ready to share!  Though I promise I will, someday!!!!!

                                        So, honor the vets today, darlings!  Help those in need, or haul home a hunk, for yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Just remember, your patriotic duty, girls!!!!!!!  As Alice Faye once sang, "I love a military man!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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