Monday, November 11, 2013

Is Childhood Sometimes Duplicated In Adulthood, Darlings??????????????

                                  I have to wonder, because of two mysterious dreams I had last night, girls!!!!  In one, I was with my father, in Florida, in a house decorated in an ostentatiously  Italian style, which recalled my Aunt Anna and Uncle Henry, in Rumson!  Though I always just loved that ostentation!!!!

                                  In the dream, the ocean was right outside, and there was this evil looking girl, named Susie, with blonde hair, like the Dutch Boy on the paint can of the same name, menacing me, and, when not, hiding in a closet.  My father asks to go swimming with me, and I tell him no, because I have to go with Susie, and he gets mad!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What could that be about, I wonder????????????

                                   The second dream was a little more understandable.  I was back in Irving School, in Highland Park, in Mrs. Cohen's first grade class!  You have heard me enough, on that!  In this dream, I got disgusted with her behavior, so I got up, marched out of her class, and across to the hall, to the other first grade classroom, taught by Mrs. Ellis, who was prettier, and whom I had wanted to have, instead!

                                    This has to do, I think, with unresolved issues of childhood, like not being recognized or challenged in a work environment, trickling into adult life!

                                      Honestly, darlings, why can't visions of sugarplums dance in my head?  They do, in real life--let's see, there is Monsieur, Baby Gojira, Cujo, and Sister Camille, to guide me and keep me happy!!!!!

                                        I guess nightmares are better when asleep than awake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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