Saturday, November 30, 2013

And A Much Belated Happy Birthday To Someone Beloved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                If you have been on here, long enough, darlings, you have heard me speak of Sister Camille D'Arienzo, whose Sunday broadcasts on 1010 WINS I never miss.  Did you know that Thanksgiving marked Sister Camille's 40th Anniversary of doing this????  And I wish her many more!!!!

                                But what about Sister Camille herself????  I always wondered when her birthday was, and, poking around,as I do, girls, I sort of found out!  Now, I did not  find out the date and year, but I did find out  it was in October!  So, a very happy belated birthday, to our beloved Sister Camille! A living saint, if there ever was one!  Bernadette would be impressed!

                               Of course, Sister C, as she is affectionately called, goes about her way, not to impress anyone, but to show the importance of forgiveness and mercy in our everyday lives, and how it needs to be spread around, even to people we may not be as fond of.  I try my best, Sister C, but, I am sure you understand how difficult that can be for us mere mortals!!!!!  But I am getting better, at it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               So, a Happy Belated Birthday to Sister Camille!  For those interested in such things, I believe she is around 76!  Many more, Sister C!  My partner, Monsieur, thinks you are the only non-crazy Catholic that he knows!!!  And that includes yours truly!!!!!!

                                 And I will bet, on Sister Camille's Thanksgiving table, was one hell of a Timpana!!!!  Which she made from scratch!!!!!

                                   Good works, darlings!  Rock on, Sister C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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