Saturday, November 30, 2013

Farewell, Jane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Jane Kean, that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just think, several months back we lost another Jane--Jane Connell, the one and only Agnes Gooch, and now Jane Kean?????  Who was she, darlings?????  Well, I will tell you!

                               Jane Kean, and her sister Betty, started out as a sister act, like Rosemary Clooney and her sister, who, I believe, was also named Betty.  The Kean Sisters, in the Fifties, starred in a semi-risque Off Broadway musical about the Navy, "Ankles Aweigh," which is lots of fun to listen to!!!!!!!!  Sort of a precursor to "Dames At Sea!"

                                Now, some Baby Boomers will recall Jane for two iconic roles she performed, on TV in the 1960s.  One was Trixie Norton, on Jackie Gleason's hour long version of "The Honeymooners," which was shot in color, and alternated with his Saturday night variety show, on CBS, at 8 PM.  Sheila MacCrae  played Alice here, while Gleason continued as Ralph, and his partner, the one and only Art Carney, played Ed Norton!!!!

                               But, my favorite Jane Kean moment will always be her original rendition of "Winter Was Warm," from "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol."  When Christmas Past is showing Scrooge the error of his ways, he witnesses his breakup with Belle, when he chose money over love.   Then, Belle walks to a snow globe, shakes it, and, in Jane Kean;'s melting, heartrending voice, sings this song, which tore me apart at age 9, and does even more, fifty years later, with the wisdom of age.  I will try to include it on here, darlings!

                               Speaking of age, Jane made it to 90!  I think she outlived all the other "Honeymooners?"  Is Joyce Randolph still alive?  Can any of my girls tell me????  She passed away on Tuesday, of a stroke, resulting from a fall!

                                 You will be missed, but remembered, Jane!  The Raving Queen will always love you!

                                 And speaking of "Winter Was Warm," here it is!

                                Sweet Season memories, to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Joyce Randolph is alive and kicking at 89. I hear she hangs out in the bar at Sardi's! I agree about Jane's rendition of Winter Was Warm. Just beautiful. And I sure do remember watching the musical Honeymooners on Saturday nights!
