Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Another Commercial That Annoys The Hell Out Of Me, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             "I have a structured settlement, and I need cash now!
                                              Call J.G. Wentworth--877-CASH-NOW!"
                                                     --Commercial Jingle

                                    Now, as you girls know, I am not one of those Vicious Opera Queens!!!!  I have nothing against opera--just those creatures, who go to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But every time this J.G.Wentworth commercial is aired, I want to scream!  The first thing that bothers me is--if they wanted to spoof opera, why couldn't they get actors, who could actually sing???  Believe me, the level of melodic and vocal range in this spot is not that demanding.  There are plenty
of actors with voices, who could sing it!

                                     My still favorite sequence, in all of "Citizen Kane," is the opera one, where Susan Alexander (the great Dorothy Comingore) is making her debut, in  "Salammbo," with those pigtails, the orchestra warming up, the conductor screaming at her, and finally, her piercing screaming voice, after which the camera pans up to the rafters, where a pair of distinctly knowledgeable stage hands, cover their noses in disgust!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yet the sequence is absolutely brilliant.

                                    Next to the Wentworth commercial, "Salammbo" is a masterpiece!  What's more, because the parody of what is being spoofed is so poorly done, it becomes an insult, not only to opera, but to the arts, in general?????

                                      What's that?  I don't have a sense of humor, darlings???? Then you haven't been on here, for long!  J.G. Wentworth needs to stop airing these ridiculous ads; the ones where the opera is used out of context are even worse!

                                        Whomever came up with this campaign must have an ax to grind against opera, and the arts!  They need to come up with a new strategy.  Because, girls, if i were in a position, right now, to go to a financial services company, on the basis of this ad, not to mention the others, I wouldn't go to J.G. Wentworth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The saying goes, "It isn't over, until the fat lady sings!"  This commercial starts with that fat lady!

                                           Time to ring this show down, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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