Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It's Always The Craziest Dreams That I Remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I don't know what it was, darlings!  Kale is supposed to be healthy for you, but maybe all that I ate, resulted in my two crazy dreams.  The first one started with my all-time favorite movie--which is, as you know, "The Wizard of Oz!"

                             For those on here,of a certain age, the network television showing of this film--usually on CBS--was the Event Of The Year!!!!!!!!  In its early years, while it was evolving to iconic stature, Dick Van Dyke, riding high, then, on his CBS series, would host.  Later, Danny Kaye took over for awhile, and, once the film had been acknowledged as one of the greatest of the last century, maybe around or after the 50th Anniversary, Angela Lansbury hosted!

                             I guess this dream was prompted by the film's having been on, the other night, as I was flipping channels.  I thought about watching, but, since my 'Oz' viewings number at least 75, I am very particular about them.  I no longer want to see the film broken up, into commercials.  I much prefer seeing it on the large screen, as it was intended to be shown, and every time there is a screening in New York, I make sure to go.

                           I face a dilemma in 2014!  The film celebrates its 75th Anniversary then, and to honor it, will be given a limited theater release!  Great!!!  Except--now get this!!!--the film will be shown in 3-D!

                             Now, since 3-D did not even exist in 1939, I don't know how they are going to add this to it!  Or where--though I have several ideas there, starting with the cyclone sequence!

                             But--I do NOT want to see "The Wizard of Oz" in 3-D!!!!!!!!!  Don't these idiots get it?  This is why the film has endured--because there is absolutely nothing to be improved upon!  It is perfect, as is!  And there are very few films that can be said about!

                             Now, in this dream, I was asked to host a telecast!  I recall being very excited at
introducing my favorite movie, and the dream stopped just as I was seated on the set, about to go on the air, and talk!

                                             Now, we switch to something altogether different, though still a musical--"The Pajama Game."

                                              This was the big Broadway musical hit, of my birth year, 1954.  It became a film, in 1957, featuring the entire Broadway cast, with Doris Day replacing Janis Paige!  As  a child, when it was shown on TV, I would always get up in front of the set, and try to dance the "Steam Heat" number.  I saw a production of it, on stage, at the New York City Opera, sometime in the 1980s or 90's.  Judy Kaye played Babe, and, I believe Leonora Nemetz played Gladys!!!!!  Then, in 2001, I got a chance to perform in a production of the show, with the Village Light Opera Company.  One of my theatrical triumphs!!!!!!!!

                                              The show has been a part of my life, for a long time.  So, in the dream, I was auditioning for another production--which is not something I would do, in real life!!!!  I walked into the audition room, as having come from a shower, wrapped in nothing, but a pink towel.  It was cold.  One of the male actors became friendly to me, and,as if by magic, produced a shirt and pants for me, to put on.  We went into this dressing room, which amounted to a screened in, Summer back porch!!!!!  Granted, larger than lots of dressing rooms I have been in, but  really.  Then, we marched back into the auditorium , where the director told us this would be a different kind of production--we would do it with no period costumes, sets, rehearsal, blocking, or dialogue or lyric learning!  Thank God, I had done it before; I at least had a knowledge of it!  The score would be no problem for me, but the dialogue???????

                                               So, speaking for my fellow actors, I stood up and confronted the director!!!!!
"What are we supposed to do this show on?" I asked.  "Crack cocaine????"  To which, he replied, "YES!"

                                                 That is when I realized I was done!  I refused, got up, and, before walking out, turned to the director and screamed--"This show is over!  Ring the curtain down, NOW!!!!!!!!!"

                                                   What do you make of that, dolls?  Was it the kale??? Or klonopin?????
Or just issues--artistic or otherwise--subtly manifesting themselves???????

                                                      Stay tuned, on here, to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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