Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Well, girls, we have made it to another Turkey Day!  Congratulations, to one and all!

                                 Whether you're dining with relatives (the ones still be spoken to, darlings!!!!) or in an elegant restaurant with your family, (which is what I will be doing)  the Raving Queen wishes each and every one of his girls a very Happy Thanksgiving!

                                   I am telling you, what with the MACY'S Thanksgiving Parade about to start shortly, this day always makes me feel like Carol Channing, at the end of Act One, of "Hello, Dolly!"  I just have to sing "Before The Parade Passes By"--imitating Carol!!!!!!!!!!!  Which is easy for an established Theater Queen, such as I, to do!

                                  So, however, and wherever you spend the day, be grateful for what you have, and that we have each other! (Like, how thankful I am I have my beloved Monsieur!!!!)  And don't forget, today marks the unofficial (but getting to be more Official!!!) start of the Holiday Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Turkey Lurkey, Goosey Poosey, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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