Thursday, November 28, 2013

So, Who Is The Thanksgiving Bitch?????????????????

                                     Since this holiday always falls on a Thursday, that means that the winner of Bitch Of The Week this week is the special Thanksgiving Bitch!  Darlings, I have been racking my brains, trying to come up with someone, not realizing that the answer had been in front of me, all the time!

                                      Last night, at the glamorous Ellen's, I attended a Hanukkah party, which you had to be there for, to believe!  What a day!  I began it by watching Jews getting persecuted mercilessly in "Holocaust," only to end it with the same group of people--albeit, generations later--being insulted in "Jewtopia!!!!!!!!"  I mean, it offended me!  And I am not even Jewish.

                                        But, during the evening, while the TV was on, they ran this special about "The Making Of 'The Sound Of Music'."  No, not the 1965 classic, which would have been interesting, but this live action one NBC is planning to show, on December 5, with that disgusting Carrie Underwood, as Maria!

                                         This is a "Sound Of Music" where the actor playing the Captain, Stephen Moyer, is some synthetic thing from "True Blood," who is so young looking in the part, he must have knocked up the first wife, to pop out those seven children, before he hit puberty!  LONG before!

                                          Audra McDonald should be ashamed of herself, for appearing in such crap, which desecrates a classic!  Guess she needed a new car!  However, ever since I heard her rather too strident rendition of "There Won't Be Trumpets, when she played Nurse Fay Apple in "Anyone Can Whistle," at a Summer Ravi Musical Theater Festival, I have discovered some chinks in her vocal armor!  The woman cannot belt!  It may be time to rethink things, Audra, dear!  Especially if you are doing crap, like this!  I know you have a daughter to support, but come on!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But Audra is not the Thanksgiving Bitch!  Carrie Underwood is!!!!!!!!!!

I have just found out Carrie is getting --and deservedly so!!!!!--hateful Twitter tweets from people who are justifiably outraged she is taking on Julie Andrews' iconic role, let alone redoing this film classic!!!!!  Not to mention, no one twirls like Julie; Carrie, I hope, will fall flat, on her face!!!!  She will certainly lay an egg, by doing this role!  

                       As for the Von Trapp Children, , you will never top Heather Menzies and Angela Cartwright!  These Von Trapps look a bit too mature--all of them--for their roles!!!!!  What idiot cast them!!!!!!!!!!

                        So, congrats, Carrie, to being the Thanksgiving Bitch!

                        This could be the first "Sound Of Music," in the history of the show, where the audience actually cheers for the Baroness!



  1. The REAL Maria Von Trapp was a first class cunt. When I was a teen, we visited her lodge in Stowe, Vermont. The old bag herself was sitting behind a counter in peasant garb, signing copies of her book, with a nasty face on her that cold stop a train. Mary Martin always said what a bitch she was during rehearsals for the Broadway show. The Von Trapp children have gone on record saying that their father was one of the sweetest nicest men ever while evil stepcunt Maria was a tyrant. And by the way, they didn't escape by climbing over the alps, they just got on a train. So that whole story on stage and film is just one big steaming pile of horseshit anyway. Pretty music though!


  2. Fascinating! I never visited the Trapp Lodge. But I had heard these remarks about maria over the years! Some Trophy Wife!!! And for Mary Martin to call someone a bitch...WOW!

    As for the escape, I had heard too it was not over the mountains, but I never knew how! The mountains work great in the 1965 film, which they have no business messing with!

    Of course, the score is gorgeous. And SOM is how I first became aware of what the Holocaust was!
