Friday, November 29, 2013

Stay Out Of the Stores, Today, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Well, I hope everyone on here had a lovely Thanksgiving.  Mine was fine, though my father's age and equilibrium issues make the New York sojourn even more questionable--he is, after all, 98!!!!--but  we will see.  Nevertheless, that romantic locale, One If By Land, Two If By Sea, did its usual impeccable job.

                             Which leaves us now with today--Black Friday!!!!  The day that has been publicized since the beginning of this month!!!!!!!!  My advice--stay in, rest, and stay the Hell away from the stores today!

                                 If you want to see the definition of White Trash American Vulgarity, this is it!!!!!!!!  My parents shopped for Christmas presents for me, as a child, and, I am telling you, they never went through this!  They would not be seen at such a thing?

                                  Who are these nuts, anyway?  Rejects from "Judge Judy????"   You know something, darlings?  I think the ones who go are those who get off, in some sick way, on the pushing, shoving, potential for violence, and displays of vulgarity, which they know will be publicized by the media!!!!!!!   I have heard of wanting fifteen minutes of FAME but this is not my idea of getting it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  As for me, I am taking it easy, with all my loved ones, recovering from the exhaustion of yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Because, now we have Christmas coming up!  And that annual visit to Delemarchier!!!!

                                   Just wait, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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