Monday, November 25, 2013

Can It Get Any Worse, Darlings?????????? Now, Scumbag Skakel Is Getting Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I never realized it, before, girls, but doesn't Skakel somewhat resemble James Gandolfini?????  Too bad James did not stick around, because he missed a great career opportunity.  If a movie had been made about Skakel--and it would not surprise me, if, eventually, it is!!!!--James would have been perfect casting!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Michael Skakel was convicted, and imprisoned, in 2002, for a crime he committed at the age of 15, back on the night of October 30, 1975--the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley, also Skakel's age.  This was big mews back then, girls; I was in college, then, and even I remember it.

                                  The Skakel brothers, Michael or Tommy, were always suspected.  But, though they lived in the wealthy Belle Haven section of wealthy Greenwich, Connecticut, they were the white trash relations of the Kennedys.  There was no adult supervision over there; the parents marriage was a mess; had broken up, I think, the father was an alcoholic,  and the Skakels, despite their fancy digs, were living hand to mouth, especially the children--just like their distant kin, the Beales of Grey Gardens.  And from reports of things, the inside of the Skakel home was a pig sty, to rival Grey Gardens!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 If Martha Moxley had not been murdered, she would not have been anything special, but she wasn't anything special, anyway--just your average, blonde, wholesome looking, pretty 15-year-old girl.  A dime a dozen, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  Of course, the Skakel boys had the hots for her, but Martha rebuffed them both.  Good for you, Martha!!!!  She had taste, honeys!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Tommy moved on, but Michael didn't. He was a troubled kid from the word go.  And in the 27 years since Moxley's death, and prior to his conviction, what has he done with his life?????  Nothing!!!!!!!!

                                Michael Skakel murdere3d Martha Moxley out of spiteful, teen jealousy.  He saw her flirting with his brother, Tommy, the better looking of the two, and bludgeoned her from behind with a golf club.  Then he pulled her pants down, but she was not sexually assaulted.  It was all about humiliation.  Because he  masturbated, to ejaculation, over her body!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This was some sick fuck, loves, and he was only 15!!!!!!!!!!   Everyone, especially Skakel, thought that, because of the Kennedy connection, he would escape.  But, in 2002, it all caught up with him.

                                     And that should have been that!

                                     But now, Skakel has been set free, on a $1.2 million bond, pending a new trial, because a judge ruled the original trial was not a fair one!  Huh???  And Skakel is oinking proudly, just like the fat pig he has turned into, thinking he will get off this time, too!  The sad thing is, he might.  We will just have to wait and see!

                                    As some poster said, for someone like this, with the Kennedy connection, to do even this much time, is pretty good.  I suppose that is true; the time done cannot be restored, and we all know who killed Martha.  But I am thinking more of the survivors of the Moxley tragedy--her mother, and older brother, both still alive!!!!!!!!  How must they feel about all this?

                                      I say scum is scum, no matter the age!  I demand utter and complete justice for  Martha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

                                      And listen to me, Skakel, you supposed Catholic, (though you make me look like Bernadette of Lourdes!!!!) though you may escape conviction here on Earth, you will still have to answer to a Higher Authority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What goes around, comes around, Skakel!!!!  Your Time will come!!!!!!!!!!!!                        

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