Sunday, November 24, 2013

Charges Dropped Against These Bitches, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Can you believe it, darlings?????  Is there no Justice?

                                      Wait--let me amend that.  There IS justice, dolls, but two kinds--the rest of the country--and then Florida!

                                        So--at least in the Sunshine State--it is OK to kill a Black kid in the guise of self-defense (George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin), murder your infant daughter because the child is cramping your style (Casey Anthony), and  now, in the case of Katelyn Roman,12, and Guadalupe Shaw, 14, it is OK to harass and bully a child to the point where she decides suicide is a better alternative!!!!!!

                                        Stay out of Florida, dolls!  No one gets fair justice, there!

                                         These two really deserve to have the book thrown at them. Oh, and by the way, one of them, Katelyn, I think, had, as her attorney, Jose Baez, who was Casey Anthony's lawyer!!!! Uhmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmm!  Even though sentencing was  much too lenient, those bullies par excellence, Dahrun Ravi and Molly Wei, were at least held accountable for their part in the death of Tyler Clementi.  If that incident had happened in Florida, Ravi and Wei might have been given the keys to the city!!!!!

                                           Where has compassion, empathy, and concern for this nation's growing population of children in trouble by harassment, gone?  Why are their lives shuffled aside and dismissed, while those that caused their ruination are allowed to move on??????????????

                                               How many times do I have to say it!  These bitches, and their parents, should ALL be charged, and smacked across their faces!!! I will do the last thing, myself!!!!!!!

                                                 With this kind of behavior tolerated, what is next, another Holocaust???? Is America turning into the Berlin of the early 30's?????????????????

                                                    I greatly fear it is!  And if that be the case, I have a message for all you f-ing authority figures.  If so, you are going to have to mess with ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     And, as my girls can  tell you, you are not going to like THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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